What is the Value of the Ecosystems' Land Change Science Program?
"Information is vital for restoration and fire planning, and environmental compliance.”
~ Partner testimonial from Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park
"Our partners reference this work on a nearly weekly basis across our conservation planning, ecosystem science, policy, and education departments."
~ Partner testimonial from non-profit wildfire organization
"Products have, for ~30 years. . . enabled verification [and] evaluation of climate model simulations."
~ Academic partner testimonial about paleoclimate data
"Opportunities, to work in a USGS lab, are truly impactful for my undergraduate students."
~ Partner testimonial of STEM engagement
The value of scientific research can be measured in many ways. Be that through monetary worth, priceless partnerships and collaborations, or by the impacts and changes to the world that come from it. Here we explore the value of the Land Change Science Program in the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area.