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Digitizing paper records
At the USGS Woods Hole Data Library, librarian Linda McCarthy feeds paper seismic records through the scanner to digitize them. (Credit: Alan Allwardt, USGS. Public domain.)

Popular scanners for digitizing well logs used by state geological surveys include:

Neuralog scanners (

Paying the annual maintenance fee is recommended, as it covers software updates and repairs.

Well Green Tech scanners (

Small company, work closely with their customers.

Colortrac scanner (

Used by a state geological survey to scan wider (>12” width) logs. Common scanner models are limited to logs less than 12 inches wide. Most (99.8%) geophysical logs scanned by the states are less than 12 inches in width, but a few logs are wider, these are often mud logs. The wide logs may be scanned using a drum roller scanner or specialty scanners, including Colortrac.


The quality of digital data produced by autovectorizing software programs depends on the quality of the original paper well logs and the scanned images of those well logs. Even when the quality of the paper and scanned logs is good, the autovectorizing program may mistakenly digitize horizontal or vertical grid lines instead of a data curve (such as gamma ray, neutron, or caliper trace). Therefore, manual checks and corrections of the autovectorized curves are required to produce accurate digital curve images.

Scanning may introduce streaks to images, which may require software updates and scanner recalibration. Seeking products that offer dedicated customer support is recommended. Low humidity conditions (such as Denver, Colorado, during the winter season) may introduce static, shocking employees and damaging scanning equipment. Anti-static mats help to dissipate static and newer scanners may be less prone to static build up.

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