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Science and Decisions Center

The USGS Science and Decisions Center (SDC) is a unique and small interdisciplinary center which conducts integrated physical, biological, socioeconomic, and information science, advances decision-analytic methods in the USGS, and investigates innovative data collection and analysis methods with a goal of increasing the use and value of USGS science in decision making.


SACNAS Virtual Presentation

SACNAS Virtual Presentation

Floodplain Ecosystem Service Mapper Released

Floodplain Ecosystem Service Mapper Released

Employing an Ecosystem Services Framework to Deliver Decision Ready Science

Employing an Ecosystem Services Framework to Deliver Decision Ready Science


A framework for estimating economic impacts of ecological restoration

Ecological restoration projects are designed to improve natural and cultural resources. Spending on restoration also stimulates economic impacts to the restoration economy through the creation or support of jobs and business activity. This paper presents accessible methods for quantifying the economic impacts supported by restoration spending and is written to be a guide and toolbox for an interdi
Catherine Cullinane Thomas, Christopher Huber, Kristin E. Skrabis, Timothy B. Hoelzle

New uses for ancient middens: Bridging ecological and evolutionary perspectives

Rodent middens provide a fine-scale spatiotemporal record of plant and animal communities over the late Quaternary. In the Americas, middens have offered insight into biotic responses to past environmental changes and historical factors influencing the distribution and diversity of species. However, few studies have used middens to investigate genetic or ecosystem level responses. Integrating midd
Katie M. Becklin, Julio L. Betancourt, Joseph Braasch, Olivier Dézerald, Francisca Díaz, Angélica L. González, Robert Harbert, Camille A. Holmgren, Angela D. Hornsby, Claudio L. Latorre, Marjorie D. Matocq, Felisa A. Smith

Nesting and post-fledging predation risk influence diel patterns of songbird fledging

Among stages of avian ontogeny, the act of nest departure or fledging is an abrupt transition into a new environment and a major leap toward independence for offspring. In altricial birds, the timing of fledging is notable in that many species tend to fledge early in the morning. Past studies have proposed nest predation as a key factor driving birds to fledge earlier in the morning (the ‘survival
Todd M. Jones, Scott J. Chiavacci, Thomas J. Benson, Michael P. Ward


Decision Science

We host strong decision science programs on University campuses listed below. Understanding cultural, social, and political factors drives decision-making. In other words, what people think matters. One of the key building blocks our program is we actively engage local communities and our research is relevant to the needs of the States, geographic regions, and the Nation. We make available new...

Decision Science

We host strong decision science programs on University campuses listed below. Understanding cultural, social, and political factors drives decision-making. In other words, what people think matters. One of the key building blocks our program is we actively engage local communities and our research is relevant to the needs of the States, geographic regions, and the Nation. We make available new...
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About the Science and Decisions Center

Today's natural resource managers must make effective decisions with broad–scale societal impacts.

About the Science and Decisions Center

Today's natural resource managers must make effective decisions with broad–scale societal impacts.
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