We measured aquatic invertebrate abundance, standing stock biomass, and community production in three types of wetlands on Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge from December 1987 through April 1988. Together, Orthocyclops modestus and Daphnia pulex were the most abundant organisms collected in all habitats during both winter and spring, but each contributed little to total standing stock biomass or production. Caecidotea communis and Pristina osborni made up ≥47% of the total standing stock biomass at each site during both winter (December–February) and spring (March–May). Crangonyx gracilis, Chironomus spp., Chaoborus punctipennis, and Eclipidrilus spp. each contributed ≥5% of the total biomass at one or more wetland habitats. Estimates of aquatic invertebrate community production ranged from 930 to 1,578 mg dry weight/m2 among wetland types during winter and from 3,306 to 5,421 mg dry weight/m2 among wetland types during spring. Caecidotea communis and Pristina osborni contributed most to community production during both seasons, but particularly in beaver ponds during spring. Other taxa made up substantial portions of the community production in one or two wetland habitats.