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Chemical and biological quality of selected lakes in Ohio, 1976 and 1977

January 1, 1979

Twenty-eight Ohio lakes (14 per year) were sampled by the U.S. Geological Survey and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for the water-quality characteristics during the spring and summer of 1976 and 1977. Data items included: profiles of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and specific conductance; physical, biological, nutrient, and organic characteristics; major and minor constituents; and physical and chemical data associated with major inflows.

Light penetration (secchi disk) was greatest (21 feet) in Mogadore Reservoir and least (0.8 foot) in Stonelick Lake. Seasonal thermal gradients developed in most lakes greater than 17 feet in depth.

Dissolved-oxygen saturation ranged from 220 percent in Summit Lake to zero percent in the bottom waters of all lakes having stable thermal gradients. Five-day BOD ranged from 0.3 milligrams per liter im Michael J. Kirwan Reservoir to more than 17 milligrams per liter in Nimisilia Reservoir. Anaerobic zones were frequently characterized by hydrogen sulfide and high concentrations of ammonia.

All lakes had moderately hard to very hard waters. Calcium, bicarbonate, and sulfate were the principal constituents. Specific conductance ranged from 130 micromhos (Lake Logan) to 1250 micromhos (Summit Lake). Because of nutrient uptake and recycling, significant chemical and physical differences developed in different thermal strata. Pesticide residues and trace elements were not above the limits recommended by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

All counts of fecal colifrom bacteria were within State standards. Blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) dominated the phytoplankton communities of 18 lakes in spring and 26 lakes in summer. Algal counts from euphotic-zone composite samples ranged from 180 cells per milliliter in Killdeer Reservoir to 3,400,000 cells per milliliter in Kiser Lake. Maximum algal counts were greater than 100,000 cells per milliliter in 19 lakes.

Streams ate a major source of macronutrients in Ohio lakes. The estimated discharge-weighted mean concentration for nitrite and total phosphorus in 62 inflow samples was 1.22 milligrams per liter as N and 0.12 milligrams per liter as P.

Publication Year 1979
Title Chemical and biological quality of selected lakes in Ohio, 1976 and 1977
DOI 10.3133/wri78109
Authors Robert L. Tobin, John D. Youger
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 78-109
Index ID wri78109
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Ohio Water Science Center
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