This report presents the basic data that were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey during a study of the chemical quality of water in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. An interpretive report will follow. The basic data were collected from the reservoir during the period August 1973 to October 1975. The reservoir was sampled for chemical and physical data at 25 sites. The sites are shown in figure 1 and the data are listed in tables 1-3.
In addition to the data collected from the reservoir, streamflow and water-quality data are collected on a continuing basis at sites on the major streams flowing into and out of the reservoir. The inflow sites are Green River near Green River, Wyo., Blacks Fork near Little America, Wyo., and Henrys Fork near Manila, Utah (fig. 1). The out- flow site is Green River near Greendale, Utah. These data are published in an annual series, and for the period of this project the data are in U.S. Geological Survey (197l-75a, b, c, d).