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Chronic wasting disease risk analysis workshop: An integrative approach

January 1, 2004

Risk analysis tools have been successfully used to determine the potential hazard associated with disease introductions and have facilitated management decisions designed to limit the potential for disease introduction. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) poses significant challenges for resource managers due to an incomplete understanding of disease etiology and epidemiology and the complexity of management and political jurisdictions. Tools designed specifically to assess the risk of CWD introduction would be of great value to policy makers in areas where CWD has not been detected.

To this end, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) created a steering committee representing states, native communities, federal, academic, and non-government entities. This committee formulated a collaborative process for the development of CWD risk assessment tools applicable to both free-ranging and captive populations. The committee recommended a workshop be held on the topic and suggested the format, content, and potential participants.

Identified objectives of the workshop included:

1. Identify and discuss the needs of various government and non-government groups involved with assessing, managing, and/or preventing CWD.

2. Identify current gaps in CWD research specifically in relation to information applicable to the risk analysis process.

3. Construct a general, consensual, framework model (Figure 1) that incorporates all factors identified as potentially associated with the presence or absence of CWD (Table 1).

The resulting CWD Risk Analysis Workshop was held May 11–13, 2004 in Fort Collins, Colorado. The workshop was attended by 28 individuals representing a cross-section of management, research, and nongovernment organizations. Experts with experience in a variety of risk analysis approaches and representatives from public and private user groups presented in the plenary session. The remainder of the workshop consisted of facilitated breakout sessions and all-group discussions.

The framework model (Figure 1) reflects the workshop discussions and subsequent review and comments from workshop participants and steering committee members.

Publication Year 2004
Title Chronic wasting disease risk analysis workshop: An integrative approach
DOI 10.3133/ofr20041418
Authors Shana Gillette, Joshua Dein, Mo Salman, Bryan Richards, Paulo Duarte
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 2004-1418
Index ID ofr20041418
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
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