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Domain decomposition for a mixed finite element method in three dimensions

January 1, 2003
We consider the solution of the discrete linear system resulting from a mixed finite element discretization applied to a second-order elliptic boundary value problem in three dimensions. Based on a decomposition of the velocity space, these equations can be reduced to a discrete elliptic problem by eliminating the pressure through the use of substructures of the domain. The practicality of the reduction relies on a local basis, presented here, for the divergence-free subspace of the velocity space. We consider additive and multiplicative domain decomposition methods for solving the reduced elliptic problem, and their uniform convergence is established.
Publication Year 2003
Title Domain decomposition for a mixed finite element method in three dimensions
DOI 10.1137/S0036142996296935
Authors Z. Cai, R.R. Parashkevov, T.F. Russell, J. D. Wilson, X. Ye
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Index ID 70025904
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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