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Estimations of evapotranspiration and water balance with uncertainty over the Yukon River Basin

June 1, 2012

In this study, the revised Remote Sensing-Penman Monteith model (RS-PM) was used to scale up evapotranspiration (ET) over the entire Yukon River Basin (YRB) from three eddy covariance (EC) towers covering major vegetation types. We determined model parameters and uncertainty using a Bayesian-based method in the three EC sites. The 95 % confidence interval for the aggregate ecosystem ET ranged from 233 to 396 mm yr−1 with an average of 319 mm yr−1. The mean difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration (W) was 171 mm yr−1 with a 95 % confidence interval of 94–257 mm yr−1. The YRB region showed a slight increasing trend in annual precipitation for the 1982–2009 time period, while ET showed a significant increasing trend of 6.6 mm decade−1. As a whole, annual W showed a drying trend over YRB region.

Publication Year 2012
Title Estimations of evapotranspiration and water balance with uncertainty over the Yukon River Basin
DOI 10.1007/s11269-012-0007-3
Authors Wenping Yuan, Shuguang Liu, Shunlin Liang, Zhengxi Tan, Heping Liu, Claudia Young
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Water Resources Management
Index ID 70188331
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
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