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Geohydrologic framework of the Roswell ground-water basin, Chaves and Eddy Counties, New Mexico

January 1, 1983
This report describes the geohydrology of the Roswell ground-water basin and shows the long-term hydrostatic-head changes in the aquifers. The Roswell ground-water basin consists of a carbonate artesian aquifer overlain by a leaky confining bed, which, in turn is overlain by an alluvial water-table aquifer. The water-table aquifer is hydraulically connected to the Pecos River. Ground-water pumpage from about 1,500 wells in the basin was about 378,000 acre-feet in 1978. Irrigation use on about 122,000 acres accounted for 95 percent of that pumpage.
Publication Year 1983
Title Geohydrologic framework of the Roswell ground-water basin, Chaves and Eddy Counties, New Mexico
Authors G. E. Welder
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype Other Government Series
Series Title Technical Report
Series Number 42
Index ID 70043374
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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