This Open-File report is a digital geologic map database. This pamphlet serves to introduce and describe the digital data. There is no paper map included in the Open-File report. The report does include, however, a PostScript plot file containing an image of the geologic map sheet with explanation, as well as the accompanying text describing the geology of the area. For those interested in a paper plot of information contained in the database or in obtaining the PostScript plot files, please see the section entitled 'For Those Who Aren't Familiar With Digital Geologic Map Databases' below. This digital map database, compiled from previously published and unpublished data and new mapping by the authors, represents the general distribution of surficial deposits and rock units in Point Reyes and surrounding areas. Together with the accompanying text file (pr-geo.txt or, it provides current information on the stratigraphy and structural geology of the area covered. The database delineates map units that are identified by general age and lithology following the stratigraphic nomenclature of the U.S. Geological Survey. The scale of the source maps limits the spatial resolution (scale) of the database to 1:48,000 or smaller.