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Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of braunite (Mn7 SiO12) and rhodonite (MnSiO3)

January 1, 1995
The heat capacities, C0P, of synthetic rhodonite and braunite have been measured by adiabatic calorimetry from 6 to ~350 K. The heat capacity of braunite was also measured to ~900 K by differential scanning calorimetry. Brunite exhibits a ??-peak in C0P in the temperature region 93.4-94.2 K. Rhodonite did not show the expected peak in C0P characteristic of the co-operative ordering of the Mn2+ spins at temperatures above 6 K. A revised petrogenetic grid for the system Mn-Si-O-C at 2000 bars is presented and is consistent with both thermochemical values and occurrence of natural assemblages. -from Authors
Publication Year 1995
Title Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of braunite (Mn7 SiO12) and rhodonite (MnSiO3)
Authors R. A. Robie, J.S. Huebner, B. S. Hemingway
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title American Mineralogist
Index ID 70019145
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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