Digital land cover and terrain data for the Upper Kuskokwim Resource Management Area in south-central Alaska were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. These and other environmental data were incorporated into a digital data base to assist in the production of a land cover map and to facilitate in the management and planning of the area.
The digital data base is registered to a 50 m Universal Transverse Mercator grid and is stored on computer-compatible tape to facilitate transfer between different processing systems. The data base includes land cover classifications, terrain models (elevation, slope, aspect, solar illumination), autumn and winter Landsat multi-spectral scanner data, soils and surficial geology data, and area boundary.
The spectral classification of Landsat multi-spectral scanner data resulted in seven major classes and 24 subclasses. Major classes were forest, shrubland, dwarf scrub, herbaceous, barren, water, and other.