A preliminary report on the Light-footed Clapper Rail, Rallus longirostris levipes, estimated a population of 500-750 birds in California (Wilbur, Am. Birds 28:868-870, 1974). Since then, additional work has been accomplished, most notably: (1) an intensive study of Carpinteria Marsh, Santa Barbara County, 1976-1977 (Basham); (2) a series of winter high tide counts at Anaheim Bay, Orange County, 1975-1977 (Massey, C. Collins, J. Lindell, M. Silbernagle); and (3) a detailed investigation of the rail population of Tijuana Slough, San Diego County, 1973-1974 (Jorgensen). These, plus short-term studies by the authors and K. Bender, D. Pinkler, P. Johns, and S. Lockhart, have shown that the original estimate was unrealistic. A more probable winter total is 300 rails, distributed as described below.