In 1991 , the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began to implement a full -scale National Water-Quality Assessment (NA WQA) program. The long-term goal of the NA WQA program are to desc ribe the tatus and trends in the quality of a large, representative part of the Nation's urface- and ground-water resources and to provide a sound , scientific understanding of the primary natural and human factor affecting the quality of these resources. In meeting these goal , the program will produce a wealth of water-quality information that will be useful to policy makers and managers at the nationa l, State , and local levels. A major design feature of the NA WQA program will enable water-quality information at di ffe rent areal scales to be integrated .
A major component of the program is study-unit investigations, which comprise the princ ipal bui lding blocks of the program on which national-level asses ment activities a re based . The 60 study-unit in vestigations that make up the program are hydrologic systems that include parts of most major river bas ins and a qui fer systems. These study units cover areas of I ,200 to more than 65 ,000 square mi les and incorporate about 60 to 70 percent of the Nation's water use and popul ation e rved by public water supply. In 1991 , the Western Lake Michigan drainage basin was among the fir st 20 NA WQA study unit selected for study under the full -scale implementation plan.