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Notes on the stratigraphy of California

January 1, 1885

 A complete examination of the Coast Ranges of California can hardly be undertaken by the Geological Survey for some years to come, consistently with the plans at present formed. The detailed study of certain small areas in these ranges, however, raised a number of questions as to the age and stratigraphical relations of the various series of beds, which it seemed necessary to answer as well as circumstances permitted. Having reached certain conclusions, for the most part on structural grounds, it became indispensable for me to obtain the co-operation of an expert paleontologist. At my solicitation, and with the approval of the director, Dr. C. A. White consented to visit the field with me. He passed several months of the summer of 1884 in studying my collections and the occurrence of fossils in place with reference to the points at issue. His results appear in Bulletin No. 15, that and this being complementary to one another. I had the great satisfaction of finding that Dr. White was led from a purely paleontological position to conclusions entirely accordant with those at which I had already arrived on structural grounds. His long experience as a general geologist also made his agreement with me as to the structural indications a welcome confirmation of my opinions. These studies, in conjunction with many observations made by earlier workers on the Pacific Coast, particularly those of the State Geological Survey of California, under Prof. J. D. Whitney, have led to some seemingly well established general conclusions of interest. The more purely geological results will be presented in the following pages, in the imperfect form in which alone it will be possible to give them until an immense amount of additional work shall have been done. 

Publication Year 1885
Title Notes on the stratigraphy of California
DOI 10.3133/b19
Authors George Ferdinand Becker
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Bulletin
Series Number 19
Index ID b19
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse