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Origin of minerals in joint and cleat systems of the Pottsville Formation, Black Warrior basin, Alabama: Implications for coalbed methane generation and production

January 1, 2003

Coalbed methane is produced from naturally fractured strata in the lower Pennsylvanian Pottsville Formation in the eastern part of the Black Warrior basin, Alabama. Major fracture systems include orthogonal fractures, which consist of systematic joints in siliciclastic strata and face cleats in coal that strike northeast throughout the basin. Calcite and minor amounts of pyrite commonly fill joints in sandstone and shale and, less commonly, cleats in coal. Joint-fill calcite postdates most pyrite and is a weakly ferroan, coarse-crystalline variety that formed during a period of uplift and erosion late in the burial history. Pyrite forms fine to coarse euhedral crystals that line jointwalls or are complexly intergrown with calcite. Stable-isotope data reveal large variations in the carbon isotope composition of joint- and cleat-fill calcite (-10.3 to +24.3 per mil Peedee belemnite [PDB]) but only a relatively narrow range in the oxygen-isotope composition of this calcite (-16.2 to -4.1 per mil PDB). Negative carbon values can be attributed to (super 13) C-depleted CO (sub 2) derived from the oxidation of organic matter, and moderately to highly positive carbon values can be attributed to bacterial methanogenesis. Assuming crystallization temperatures of 20-50 degrees C, most joint- and cleat-fill calcite precipitated from fluids with delta (super 18) O ratios ranging from about -11 to +2 per mil standard mean ocean water (SMOW). Uplift and unroofing since the Mesozoic led to meteoric recharge of Pottsville strata and development of freshwater plumes that were fed by meteoric recharge along the structurally upturned, southeastern margin of the basin. Influxes of fresh water into the basin via faults and coalbeds facilitated late-stage bacterial methanogenesis, which accounts for the high gas content in coal and the carbonate cementation of joints and cleats. Diagenetic and epigenetic minerals can affect the transmissivity and storage capacity of joints and cleats, and they appear to contribute significantly to interwell heterogeneity in the Pottsville Formation. In highly productive coalbed methane fields, joint- and cleat-fill calcite have strongly positive delta (super 13) C values, whereas calcite fill has lower delta (super 13) C values in fields that are shut in or abandoned. Petrographic analysis and stable-isotope geochemistry of joint- and cleat-fill cements provide insight into coalbed methane reservoir quality and the nature and extent of reservoir compartmentalization, which are important factors governing methane production.

Publication Year 2003
Title Origin of minerals in joint and cleat systems of the Pottsville Formation, Black Warrior basin, Alabama: Implications for coalbed methane generation and production
Authors Janet K. Pitman, J.C. Pashin, J. R. Hatch, M. B. Goldhaber
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
Index ID 70025640
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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