Forty-five adult burbot, Lota lota, collected in July 1998 from Six Fathom Bank (Six Fathom Bank Lake Trout Refuge) and Yankee Reef in Lake Huron, Michigan, U.S.A., were examined for parasites. A total of 10 parasite species infected burbot. Diplostomum sp., Eubothrium rugosum,Haplonema hamulatum, Echinorhynchus salmonis, and Trichodina sp. infected 60% or more of the burbot examined from each location. Diplostomum sp. had the highest mean intensity, and E. salmonis had the highest mean abundance in burbot from Six Fathom Bank. Echinorhynchus salmonishad the highest mean intensity and mean abundance in burbot from Yankee Reef. Diplostomum sp.,H. hamulatun, and E. salmonis in burbot from Yankee Reef had significantly higher mean intensities and mean abundances than those in fish from Six Fathom Bank. The lengths and weights of burbot from Yankee Reef were significantly greater than those of fish from Six Fathom Bank. A checklist of parasites of burbot from published records in North America is presented.