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Re-evaluating Marine Isotope Stage 5a paleo-sea-level trends from across the Florida Keys reef tract

July 30, 2024

Unraveling how Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) fluctuated during past warm periods can improve our understanding of linkages between sea-level fluctuations, orbital forcing, and ice-sheet dynamics. Current estimates of GMSL for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5a and 5c — two warm intervals following the relatively well-documented MIS 5e — contain meters of uncertainty and fewer data due to several challenges. These challenges include concealment of datable in-situ coral facies by MIS 1 deposits and inaccessibility due to submergence by modern sea level. We present a comprehensive dataset based on U–Th dating and stratigraphic correlation of 23 cores totaling over 170 m of recovered coral-reef deposits across the tectonically stable Florida Keys Reef Tract (FKRT). Following detailed facies descriptions, 34 in-situ, minimally altered aragonitic coral samples (≤2.7% calcite) below the Holocene-Pleistocene boundary were targeted for U–Th geochronology. Fourteen closed-system coral U–Th ages from MIS 5a include the commonly used sea-level indicator Acropora palmata, but also the massive coral taxa Pseudodiploria strigosa, Siderastrea siderea, Orbicella spp., and Porites astreoides. Dating yielded ages in the range of 88–81 ka (average 2σ uncertainty of less than 200 years). These ages suggest MIS 5a reef initiation at ∼88 ka BP, a peak near 83 ka with minimum elevations between −6.0 ± 0.5 and −5.6 ± 0.5 m MSL (2σ uncertainty and subsidence-corrected), and reef termination and sea-level fall by ∼81 ka BP. Notably, the range of peak MIS 5a relative sea-level estimates of −6.5 to −5.1 m MSL are more than 2 m shallower (higher) than previous estimates of −11 to −9 m. Our higher resolution regional sea-level reconstruction across four subregions of the Florida Keys reef tract aligns with changes in July insolation at 65° N: a trend that most other records, such as deep-sea sediments, do not have the accuracy and precision to resolve. Three massive coral samples from MIS 5c, consisting of Pseudodiploria clivosa, and Orbicella spp., yielded ages in the range of 104 to 99 ka (average 2σ uncertainty less than 200 years); however, because only one sample met the closed-system criteria, our ability to estimate MIS 5c sea level is relatively limited. More empirical estimates of sea-level from the MIS 5a and MIS 5c intervals based on numerical dating of reliable local sea-level constraints are critical for GMSL calculations and relating changes in sea-level amplitude and timing to global ice volume modeling and glacio-isostatic effects, all of which can improve predictions of future sea-level changes in coastal regions.

Publication Year 2024
Title Re-evaluating Marine Isotope Stage 5a paleo-sea-level trends from across the Florida Keys reef tract
DOI 10.1016/j.qsa.2024.100222
Authors Scarlette Hsia, Lauren Toth, Richard A. Mortlock, Charles Kerans
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Quaternary Science Advances
Index ID 70259319
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
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