A computer model, including a ground-water-flow component and a mass balance reservoir-operations component, was developed to simulate the proposed Narrows Reservoir and the adjacent alluvial aquifer of the South Platte River, Morgan County, Colo. This model, using a weekly time step, simulated the transient interactions of these two systems for an initial-fill condition and general-operational condition. A sensitivity analysis was made to test the effects of possible errors in the description of aquifer characteristics on the model results. The initial-fill simulation indicated that to fill the reservoir when hydraulic connection between the surface-water system and the aquifer is simulated would take 2 additional years than if no connection was assumed. Simulated ground-water return flow to the river downstream of the proposed dam was about 85 percent of the estimated maximum values, computed under steady-state conditions in an earlier study. The general operation simulation indicated that during the period of lowest reservoir contents the aquifer provided about 80,000 acre-feet of recoverable storage to the reservoir 's capacity. Average return flow was only about 70 percent of the estimated maximum values computed in the earlier, steady-state analysis. Monthly ground-water outflow from the reservoir to the aquifer ranged from 55,200 to -10,400 acre-feet. Parameters tested for sensitivity, in order of decreasing sensitivity, were: Hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, hydraulic connection between reservoir and aquifer, local recharge, boundary conditions, and dam permeability. The probable error in the parameters tested would not seem to warrant significant new data collection. (USGS)