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The South Fork detachment fault, Park County, Wyoming: discussion and reply ( USA).

January 1, 1986

Blackstone (1985) published an interpretation of South form detachment fault and related features. His interpretation of the area between Castle and Hardpan transverse faults is identical to mine of 1941. Subsequent detailed mapping has shown that the structure between the transverse faults is more complicated than originally envisioned and resurrected by Blackstone. The present paper describes and discusses geologic features that are the basis for my interpretations; also discussed are differences between my interpretations and those of Blackstone. Most data are shown on the geologic map of the Wapiti Quadrangle (Pierce and Nelson, 1969). Blackstone's 'allochthonous' masses are part of the South Form fault. Occurrences of Sundance Formation, which he interpreted as the upper plate of his 'North Fork fault', are related to Heart Mountain fault. Volcaniclastic rocks south of Jim Mountain mapped as Aycross Formation by Torres and Gingerich may be Cathedral Cliffs Formation, emplaced by movement of the Heart Mountain fault. - Author

Publication Year 1986
Title The South Fork detachment fault, Park County, Wyoming: discussion and reply ( USA).
Authors W. G. Pierce
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Contributions to Geology - University of Wyoming, Laramie
Index ID 70014636
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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