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Southeast Georgia embayment high-resolution seismic-reflection survey

January 1, 1979

A high-resolution seismic survey of the offshore part of the Southeast Georgia Embayment on about a 20 km spacing was completed in 1976. A stratigraphic analyses of the data shows that the largest controlling factor in the depositional history of the shelf has been the Gulf Stream. These currents have shifted back and forth across the shelf, at times incising into shelf sediments, and at all times blocking much of the accumulation of Cenozoic sediments seaward of the Florida-Hatteras Slope. In the southern region the Gulf Stream maintained its present position since Miocene time, blocking the accumulation of Pliocene and younger rocks on the Plateau. Northward, in the middle, region the currents turned slightly to the northeast. The inner portion of the Blake Plateau has been scoured of sediments since the Paleocene in this area, and scouring has also occurred on the shelf from time to time. In the northern part of the survey area a more easterly flow of the Gulf Stream has allowed Eocene and younger rocks to be deposited on the Plateau. Line drawings and a geologic map show the distribution of the various Cretaceous and Cenozoic units. A number of potential environmental hazards or constraints to petroleum development seen in the reflection data are identified. Besides current scour and erosion features, these include gravity faults on the slope, a slump, faulting on the inner Blake Plateau, the shelf edge reef, and deep water reefs on the Blake Plateau.

Publication Year 1979
Title Southeast Georgia embayment high-resolution seismic-reflection survey
DOI 10.3133/ofr78800
Authors Douglas W. Edsall
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 78-800
Index ID ofr78800
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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