This report contains a tabulation of data collection sites established by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Western Oswego River basin. Information on the types of data collected at each site is also provided.
Statistical summaries are furnished for selected stream-gaging stations in the form of duration, flood frequency, and low-flow frequency curves.
Climatological data on long-term average precipitation is provided in the form of an isohyetal map of the study area.
Selected results of computerized data on flow passing Mud Lock and. on Cayuga Lake levels are presented.
Data being collected in the course of the ground-water studies includes test borings, information on existing wells, and geologic mapping. Preliminary analysis of this data indicates that the areas with the greatest potential for development of large ground-water supplies are portions of the basin underlain by carbonate rocks, the unconsolidated deposits in the northern portion of the basin, and the unconsolidated deposits south of the four lakes.