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USGS research activities relevant to Alaska have yielded more than 9400 historical publications. This page features some of the most recent newsworthy research findings.

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Controls on accretion of flysch and melange belts at convergent margins: Evidence from the Chugach Bay thrust and Iceworm melange, Chugach accretionary wedge, Alaska

Controls on accretion of flysch and mélange terranes at convergent margins are poorly understood. Southern Alaska's Chugach terrane forms the outboard accretionary margin of the Wrangellia composite terrane, and consists of two major lithotectonic units, including Triassic-Cretaceous mélange of the McHugh Complex and Late Cretaceous flysch of the Valdez Group. The contact between the McHugh Comple
Timothy M. Kusky, Dwight Bradley, Peter J. Haeussler, Susan M. Karl

Aerial videography for estimating goose populations staging in Izembek Lagoon, Alaska

We conducted experimental photographic surveys of black brant and Canada geese in a pre-migration staging area on the Alaska Peninsula to compare precision and efficiency of this technique to currently employed ocular estimates. Video and digital cameras sensitive to near infrared and visible radiation were tested at various altitudes and with lenses of different focal length. Using information fr
R.M. Anthony, R.A. Stehn, W.H. Anderson

Hydrocarbon residues in tissues of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) collected from southeast Alaska

No abstract available.
Brenda E. Ballachey, Kimberly A. Kloecker

Recovery strategies for the California clapper rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus) in the heavily-urbanized San Francisco estuarine ecosystem

The California clapper rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus), a Federal- and State-listed endangered marsh bird, has a geographic range restricted to one of the most heavily-urbanized estuaries in the world. The rail population has long been in a state of decline, although the exact contribution of each of the many contributing causes remains unclear. The rail is one of the key targets of emerging
Theodore C. Foin, E. Jacqueline Garcia, Robert E. Gill, Steven D. Culberson, Joshua N. Collins

Genetic differentiation of sockeye salmon subpopulations from a geologically young Alaskan lake system

The Tustumena lake drainage in southcentral Alaska is glacially turbid and geologically young (
C. V. Burger, William J. Spearman, M. A. Cronin

Estimating age of sea otters with cementum layers in the first premolar

We assessed sources of variation in the use of tooth cementum layers to determine age by comparing counts in premolar tooth sections to known ages of 20 sea otters (Enhydra lutris). Three readers examined each sample 3 times, and the 3 readings of each sample were averaged by reader to provide the mean estimated age. The mean (SE) of known age sample was 5.2 years (1.0) an
James L. Bodkin, J.A. Ames, R.J. Jameson, A. M. Johnson, G.M. Matson

Home ranges and movements of arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) in western Alaska

During the period from 1985 to 1990, radio collars were attached to 61 arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) in the coastal region of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in western Alaska. Radio tracking using hand-held receivers from aircraft and from fixed towers was conducted to determine daily and seasonal movements of foxes. Intensive radio tracking of 18 foxes from May through July indicated that males used l
R. Michael Anthony

Water Resources Data for Alaska, Water Year 1996

Water resources data for the 1996 water year for Alaska consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stages of lakes; and water levels and water quality of ground water. This volume contains records for water discharge at 85 gaging stations; stage or contents only at 5 gaging stations; water quality at 19 gaging stations; and water levels for 49 observation wells. Also inc
K.R. Linn, S.K. Shaw, W.C. Swanner, R. L. Rickman, M.F. Schellekens

Precious metals associated with Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary igneous rocks of southwestern Alaska

Placer gold and precious metal-bearing lode deposits of southwestern Alaska lie within a region 550 by 350 km, herein referred to as the Kuskokwim mineral belt. This mineral belt has yielded 100,240 kg (3.22 Moz) of gold, 12, 813 kg (412,000 oz) of silver, 1,377,412 kg (39,960 flasks) of mercury, and modest amounts of antimony and tungsten derived primarily from the late Cretaceous-early Tertiary
Thomas K. Bundtzen, Marti L. Miller

Epithermal mercury-antimony and gold-bearing vein lodes of southwestern Alaska

Epithermal mineral deposits and occurrences of southwestern Alaska consist of Hg-Sb and gold- and sulfide-bearing vein lodes. Numerous Hg-Sb lodes are located throughout a region measuring several tens of thousands of square kilometers in and surrounding the Kuskokwim River basin in southwestern Alaska. The Hg-Sb lodes are hosted in sedimentary rocks of the Cretaceous Kuskokwim Group, the Triassic
John E. Gray, Carol A. Gent, Lawrence W. Snee, Frederic H. Wilson
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