Sound Waves Newsletter - October-November 2020
We learn about mapping the Alaska coastline, meet some of our women scientists, and learn how we are connecting with students in a virtual world in this October-November 2020 issue of Sound Waves.
Why the Ocean?
USGS scientists share brief thoughts about why they have focused their careers on studying our oceans and coasts. Here’s why they study the ocean:
A Virtual Celebration of Science
What better way to celebrate the wonders of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) than hosting a virtual Science Festival?
Navigating Virtual 2020 Summer Internships During Pandemic
Thanks to the creativity and dedication of various internship programs and Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center mentors, students across the country were still able to gain valuable skills and experience crucial to the advancement of their education and journey to becoming a scientist.
Rapid-response seismic reflection survey to identify the fault sources of the southwestern Puerto Rico seismic sequence
Intense seismic activity started in southwestern Puerto Rico on December 28, 2019 and is continuing to the present time.
News Briefs - October-November 2020
Coastal and marine news highlights from across the USGS
Photo Roundup - October-November 2020
A selection of coastal and marine images and videos from across the USGS.
Recent Coastal and Marine Fieldwork - October-November 2020
Learn more about the recent field activities completed by scientists in the Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program at the USGS, and explore the Science Projects that guide this fieldwork.
Recent Publications - October-November 2020
List of recent USGS publications and data releases based on coastal and marine research.