-a compilation of published datasets relevant to Cascadia subduction zone earthquake hazards and tectonics
The following is new (2022) compilation of datasets relevant to Cascadia subduction zone earthquake hazards and tectonics useful for emergency management officials, geologists, and others interested in understanding the unique geologic dynamics that create hazards to communities in the region.
The ArcGIS online map and downloadable map package include both raster images and shapefiles; many of the shapefiles contain links to immediately downloadable data. Here we outline the features and datasets compiled. Detailed information about data sources and attributes represented are available in the metadata file, linked below.

Tectonic Features

Cascadia slip rates
Fault slip rate data compiled from peer-reviewed studies in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Locations of fault slip rates are represented as a point shapefile.
Cascadia faults
Fault data compiled from geologic and active fault mapping in Washington, Oregon, northern California, and British Columbia. Faults are represented are polyline shapefiles.
Terrane boundaries
Geologic terrane boundaries in the Cascadia subduction zone region. Terrane boundaries data are represented as a polyline shapefile.
Slab contours
Depth contours of the subducting Juan de Fuca and Gorda tectonic plate slabs along the Cascadia subduction zone. Contour data are represented as a polyline shapefile.
Tectonic plate boundaries
The tectonic plate boundaries between the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Explorer, Gorda, and North American tectonic plates. Tectonic plate boundaries are represented as a polyline shapefile.

Seismic stations
Locations and station information for seismic monitoring networks in the Pacific Northwest represented as a point shapefile.
Seismicity > M=4.0
Locations, timing, and magnitude information for instrumental earthquake records of magnitude 4.0 and above in the Cascadia subduction zone region. Events are represented as a point shapefile.
Plate boundary seismicity
Locations, timing, and magnitude information for instrumental earthquake records interpreted along the plate boundary. Events are all below magnitude 4.0 and represented as a point shapefile.
Onshore datasets

Tsunami paleoseismology
Locations of tsunami deposits in coastal Cascadia from published, peer-reviewed sources. Site locations are represented as a point shapefile.
Land-Level paleoseismology
Locations of coseismic land-level change sites in coastal Cascadia from published, peer-reviewed sources. Sites analyzed are represented as a point shapefile.
Lacustrine cores
Locations of published lacustrine cores represented as a point shapefile.
Onshore shaking proxy paleoseismology
Locations of published evidence for coseismic shaking, or lack thereof, in Cascadia from published, peer-reviewed sources. Site locations are represented as a point shapefile.
Cascadia landslide polygons
Terrestrial landslide inventories in Washington, Oregon, and northern California represented as a polygon shapefile.
Cascadia LiDAR coverage
Lidar survey coverage in coastal Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Lidar data are represented as polygon shapefiles.
Onshore GNSS Velocities
Locations and measured site velocities for published Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data in the Pacific Northwest represented as a point shapefile with azimuth and velocity information.
Cascadia Geology
Geologic units age and general lithology compiled from regional geologic mapping in Washington, Oregon, northern California, and British Columbia. Geologic data are represented as polygon shapefile.
Offshore datasets

Offshore site locations
Names of notable offshore geographic features.
Marine paleoseismology
Locations of published marine cores used to identify turbidite deposits offshore of the Pacific Northwest, represented as a point shapefile.
Marine drill sites
Locations of published marine drill sites represented as a point shapefile.
Marine cores - general
Locations of published marine cores represented as a point shapefile.
Offshore GNSS-A sites
Locations of current and proposed Global Navigation Satellite System-Acoustic (GNSS-A) sites offshore of the Pacific Northwest represented as a point shapefile.

Marine seismic tracklines
Offshore seismic reflection and refraction surveys represented as a polyline shapefile. Data include tracklines for multi-channel seismic (MCS), single-channel seismic (SCS), subbottom profile (SB), and seismic refraction (SR) data from published data repositories.
Marine geophysics tracklines
Offshore geophysical tracklines represented as a polyline shapefile. Data include tracklines for magnetics (M), gravity (G), and side-scan sonar (SS) data from published data repositories.
Multibeam survey footprints
Offshore multibeam survey coverage. Survey footprints are represented as polygon shapefiles.
Potential field geophysics

Aeromagnetic anomalies
Raster image of compiled aeromagnetic surveys showing total field aeromagnetic anomalies. Color scale from high (white/pink) to low (blue) total field magnetic anomalies measured in nanoteslas (nT). Data from lower resolution aeromagnetic datasets are in shown with higher transparency, high resolution datasets are highlighted in bright tones.
Gravity anomalies
Raster image of compiled gravity surveys, gridded at 2000 m spacing. Color scale from high (white/pink) to low (blue) isostatic residual gravity anomalies measured in milligals (mGal).
Onshore topography
The onshore digital elevation model is downloaded and displayed at ~30 m resolution.
Offshore bathymetry
The offshore bathymetric digital elevation model downloaded and displayed at ~400 m resolution.
The coastline polygon shapefile was derived from the ~30 m onshore digital elevation model at the zero-elevation marker.
-a compilation of published datasets relevant to Cascadia subduction zone earthquake hazards and tectonics
The following is new (2022) compilation of datasets relevant to Cascadia subduction zone earthquake hazards and tectonics useful for emergency management officials, geologists, and others interested in understanding the unique geologic dynamics that create hazards to communities in the region.
The ArcGIS online map and downloadable map package include both raster images and shapefiles; many of the shapefiles contain links to immediately downloadable data. Here we outline the features and datasets compiled. Detailed information about data sources and attributes represented are available in the metadata file, linked below.

Tectonic Features

Cascadia slip rates
Fault slip rate data compiled from peer-reviewed studies in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Locations of fault slip rates are represented as a point shapefile.
Cascadia faults
Fault data compiled from geologic and active fault mapping in Washington, Oregon, northern California, and British Columbia. Faults are represented are polyline shapefiles.
Terrane boundaries
Geologic terrane boundaries in the Cascadia subduction zone region. Terrane boundaries data are represented as a polyline shapefile.
Slab contours
Depth contours of the subducting Juan de Fuca and Gorda tectonic plate slabs along the Cascadia subduction zone. Contour data are represented as a polyline shapefile.
Tectonic plate boundaries
The tectonic plate boundaries between the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Explorer, Gorda, and North American tectonic plates. Tectonic plate boundaries are represented as a polyline shapefile.

Seismic stations
Locations and station information for seismic monitoring networks in the Pacific Northwest represented as a point shapefile.
Seismicity > M=4.0
Locations, timing, and magnitude information for instrumental earthquake records of magnitude 4.0 and above in the Cascadia subduction zone region. Events are represented as a point shapefile.
Plate boundary seismicity
Locations, timing, and magnitude information for instrumental earthquake records interpreted along the plate boundary. Events are all below magnitude 4.0 and represented as a point shapefile.
Onshore datasets

Tsunami paleoseismology
Locations of tsunami deposits in coastal Cascadia from published, peer-reviewed sources. Site locations are represented as a point shapefile.
Land-Level paleoseismology
Locations of coseismic land-level change sites in coastal Cascadia from published, peer-reviewed sources. Sites analyzed are represented as a point shapefile.
Lacustrine cores
Locations of published lacustrine cores represented as a point shapefile.
Onshore shaking proxy paleoseismology
Locations of published evidence for coseismic shaking, or lack thereof, in Cascadia from published, peer-reviewed sources. Site locations are represented as a point shapefile.
Cascadia landslide polygons
Terrestrial landslide inventories in Washington, Oregon, and northern California represented as a polygon shapefile.
Cascadia LiDAR coverage
Lidar survey coverage in coastal Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Lidar data are represented as polygon shapefiles.
Onshore GNSS Velocities
Locations and measured site velocities for published Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data in the Pacific Northwest represented as a point shapefile with azimuth and velocity information.
Cascadia Geology
Geologic units age and general lithology compiled from regional geologic mapping in Washington, Oregon, northern California, and British Columbia. Geologic data are represented as polygon shapefile.
Offshore datasets

Offshore site locations
Names of notable offshore geographic features.
Marine paleoseismology
Locations of published marine cores used to identify turbidite deposits offshore of the Pacific Northwest, represented as a point shapefile.
Marine drill sites
Locations of published marine drill sites represented as a point shapefile.
Marine cores - general
Locations of published marine cores represented as a point shapefile.
Offshore GNSS-A sites
Locations of current and proposed Global Navigation Satellite System-Acoustic (GNSS-A) sites offshore of the Pacific Northwest represented as a point shapefile.

Marine seismic tracklines
Offshore seismic reflection and refraction surveys represented as a polyline shapefile. Data include tracklines for multi-channel seismic (MCS), single-channel seismic (SCS), subbottom profile (SB), and seismic refraction (SR) data from published data repositories.
Marine geophysics tracklines
Offshore geophysical tracklines represented as a polyline shapefile. Data include tracklines for magnetics (M), gravity (G), and side-scan sonar (SS) data from published data repositories.
Multibeam survey footprints
Offshore multibeam survey coverage. Survey footprints are represented as polygon shapefiles.
Potential field geophysics

Aeromagnetic anomalies
Raster image of compiled aeromagnetic surveys showing total field aeromagnetic anomalies. Color scale from high (white/pink) to low (blue) total field magnetic anomalies measured in nanoteslas (nT). Data from lower resolution aeromagnetic datasets are in shown with higher transparency, high resolution datasets are highlighted in bright tones.
Gravity anomalies
Raster image of compiled gravity surveys, gridded at 2000 m spacing. Color scale from high (white/pink) to low (blue) isostatic residual gravity anomalies measured in milligals (mGal).
Onshore topography
The onshore digital elevation model is downloaded and displayed at ~30 m resolution.
Offshore bathymetry
The offshore bathymetric digital elevation model downloaded and displayed at ~400 m resolution.
The coastline polygon shapefile was derived from the ~30 m onshore digital elevation model at the zero-elevation marker.