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June 13, 2023

Open science is not something that you can just make happen at the end of a project. You need to start the project by intentionally thinking about, talking about, and planning for open science. 

From Opensciency - A core open science curriculum by and for the research community:

“It is important to discuss responsible Open Science with your research team, lab, group or partners regularly.  Much of responsible Open Science may seem to be related to outputs – such as data, software, and publications – but preparing and organizing work for these in advance is critical. It would be hard or impossible to follow leading practices for these at the end of research, in the 'afterthought' mode. Responsible Open Science is both a mindset and culture.

Planning for outputs in advance includes:

  • speaking about it and organizing with your research team;
  • deciding which tools to use;
  • thinking about authorship and credit;
  • engaging with relevant stakeholders and research partners, for example, industry, around open science;
  • identifying repositories for software and data;
  • identifying journals (or other outlets) for publications;
  • highlighting these approaches in your grant;
  • and much more.”

Take Action, USGS! Sign up here if you’d like to take the rest of the Opensciency curriculum starting Fall 2023 to learn more about planning for open science. Let’s learn together!


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