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September 22, 2023

Performing science involves many skills, especially when you are emphasizing open science. An important part of open science is recognizing all contributions to your research project.

Conversations about contributions and credit need to start at the beginning of projects and continue throughout. Think about the following questions (source):

  • Who is contributing to the project and how?
  • Are those contributions significant enough to warrant authorship?
  • If not, how else could people and organizations be recognized for their work?

What’s happening in the community??

  • Journals are starting to adopt the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) to document each author’s specific contribution to an article. (
  • Metadata schemas such as ISO 19115 and DataCite allow for project teams to list contributors, in addition to authors, to provide credit that is deserved.
  • Include the ORCID for each project member, wherever they are attributed, to allow them to build a portfolio of their research contributions.

Action: Find out how to make ORCIDs work for you: ORCID Infographic | U.S. Geological Survey ( and What is the benefit of an ORCID?



Transparency in authors’ contributions and responsibilities to promote integrity in scientific publication:

Credit Where Credit is Due:

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