Andrew Gorman
Andrew Gorman is a Lead Hydrologic Technician and a lead trainer in the OKI WSC. He also organizes the OKI Field Person Exchange.
Professional Experience
Hydrologic Technician, USGS, Rolla MO office 2009-2010
Hydrologic Technician, USGS, Kansas City office, 2010-2013
Hydrologic Technician, USGS, Indianapolis office, 2013-Present
Education and Certifications
B.S. Environmental Geology, University of Dayton
Science and Products
Great Lakes Tributary Monitoring
IN-KY scientists collect monthly chemical/suspended sediment and flow data as part of the Great Lakes Tributary Monitoring program. As part of the Great Lakes Research Initiative, the data we provide is used for long-term trends analysis.
Science and Products
Great Lakes Tributary Monitoring
IN-KY scientists collect monthly chemical/suspended sediment and flow data as part of the Great Lakes Tributary Monitoring program. As part of the Great Lakes Research Initiative, the data we provide is used for long-term trends analysis.