Duncan Morel
Duncan is a Hydrologic Technician with the USGS Colorado Water Science Center in Lakewood, CO.
Duncan Morel started his career in 2016 as a Hydrologic Technician with the Colorado Water Science Center as a member of the Lakewood Field Office. Duncan’s work includes maintaining a surface water field trip, acting LFO records lead, sUAS pilot and working with UCOL snowpack team.
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Business Marketing from Sierra Nevada College
B.S. in Geography from the University of Colorado
Science and Products
Unoccupied Aerial System-mounted image velocimetry and Doppler velocity radar data for computation of river velocity and discharge collected at seven locations in Colorado in 2023
A series of field measurements of surface water velocity derived from video and Doppler velocity radar collected by small unoccupied aircraft systems (sUAS) and portable sensors were collected at seven locations in Colorado, USA, during the summer of 2023. The measurements were utilized to compute surface velocity and discharge using the Probability Concept, Large-Scale Particle Image...
NGWOS Ground Based Discrete Snowpack Measurements
Ground-based discrete snowpack measurements were collected during winter field campaigns starting in 2020. These data were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Next Generation Water Observing System (NGWOS) Upper Colorado River Basin project focusing on the relation between snow dynamics and water resources. This data release consists of three child items. Each child...
Science and Products
Unoccupied Aerial System-mounted image velocimetry and Doppler velocity radar data for computation of river velocity and discharge collected at seven locations in Colorado in 2023
A series of field measurements of surface water velocity derived from video and Doppler velocity radar collected by small unoccupied aircraft systems (sUAS) and portable sensors were collected at seven locations in Colorado, USA, during the summer of 2023. The measurements were utilized to compute surface velocity and discharge using the Probability Concept, Large-Scale Particle Image...
NGWOS Ground Based Discrete Snowpack Measurements
Ground-based discrete snowpack measurements were collected during winter field campaigns starting in 2020. These data were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Next Generation Water Observing System (NGWOS) Upper Colorado River Basin project focusing on the relation between snow dynamics and water resources. This data release consists of three child items. Each child...