A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
Jennifer T Wilson
Jennifer Wilson is a Science and Quality Assurance Section Chief in Austin, TX.
Jennifer oversees a team of specialists that provide science support and quality assurance for staff in the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center. She was the Central Texas Hydrologic Studies section chief from 2016 to 2021 where she led a group of scientists and researchers that worked primarily in water quality, water use, and geophysics. Before then, she was a project manager for a wide variety of water-quality projects. She studied water quality in groundwater and surface water plus sediment-associated contaminants in lakes, reservoirs, streams, and stormwater runoff. She was part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) Contaminated Trends in Lake Sediments Project that collected and analyzed sediment cores from over 130 lakes/reservoirs across 37 states in the U.S. from 1992 to 2014.
Education and Certifications
Jennifer earned an MS in Geological Sciences in 2001 and a BS in Geological Sciences in 1995 both from the University of Texas at Austin.
Affiliations and Memberships*
Licensed by the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists, 2003 to present.
Honors and Awards
In 2013, Jennifer was a recipient of the DOI and USGS Environmental Achievement Award.
Science and Products
Timescales of water-quality change in a karst aquifer, south-central Texas
Continuing progress toward a national assessment of water availability and use
Occurrence and concentrations of selected trace elements, halogenated organic compounds, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in streambed sediments and results of water-toxicity testing in Westside Creeks and the San Antonio River, San Antonio, Texas, 20
Selected streambed sediment compounds and water toxicity results for Westside Creeks, San Antonio, Texas, 2014
Occurrence and concentrations of selected trace elements and halogenated organic compounds in stream sediments and potential sources of polychlorinated biphenyls, Leon Creek, San Antonio, Texas, 2012–14
Zinc isotopic signatures in eight lake sediment cores from across the United States
Grain-size distribution and selected major and trace element concentrations in bed-sediment cores from the Lower Granite Reservoir and Snake and Clearwater Rivers, eastern Washington and northern Idaho, 2010
PAH volatilization following application of coal-tar-based pavement sealant
Volatilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal-tar-sealed pavement
Occurrence, distribution, and concentrations of selected contaminants in streambed- and suspended-sediment samples collected in Bexar County, Texas, 2007-09
Assessment of selected contaminants in streambed- and suspended-sediment samples collected in Bexar County, Texas, 2007-09
Polychlorinated Biphenyls in suspended-sediment samples from outfalls to Meandering Road Creek at Air Force Plant 4, Fort Worth, Texas, 2003-08
Salado Creek Bacteria Source Tracking
Red River Focus Area Study
Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Investigation of the Trinity and Northern Segment Edwards Aquifers
City of Austin Water Quality Data Review and Analysis
Concentration of chemical constituents in lake sediments from selected coring locations on Lake Lanier, Georgia, May 2018
Sediment-quality and water-toxicity data from 10 sites on the Westside Creeks and San Antonio River, San Antonio, Texas, 2014
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
Collecting a groundwater-quality sample from a public-supply well. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
Collecting a groundwater-quality sample from a public-supply well. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A USGS researcher uses an ASTM-approved vacuum to collect house dust for analysis.
A USGS researcher uses an ASTM-approved vacuum to collect house dust for analysis.
Science and Products
Timescales of water-quality change in a karst aquifer, south-central Texas
Continuing progress toward a national assessment of water availability and use
Occurrence and concentrations of selected trace elements, halogenated organic compounds, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in streambed sediments and results of water-toxicity testing in Westside Creeks and the San Antonio River, San Antonio, Texas, 20
Selected streambed sediment compounds and water toxicity results for Westside Creeks, San Antonio, Texas, 2014
Occurrence and concentrations of selected trace elements and halogenated organic compounds in stream sediments and potential sources of polychlorinated biphenyls, Leon Creek, San Antonio, Texas, 2012–14
Zinc isotopic signatures in eight lake sediment cores from across the United States
Grain-size distribution and selected major and trace element concentrations in bed-sediment cores from the Lower Granite Reservoir and Snake and Clearwater Rivers, eastern Washington and northern Idaho, 2010
PAH volatilization following application of coal-tar-based pavement sealant
Volatilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal-tar-sealed pavement
Occurrence, distribution, and concentrations of selected contaminants in streambed- and suspended-sediment samples collected in Bexar County, Texas, 2007-09
Assessment of selected contaminants in streambed- and suspended-sediment samples collected in Bexar County, Texas, 2007-09
Polychlorinated Biphenyls in suspended-sediment samples from outfalls to Meandering Road Creek at Air Force Plant 4, Fort Worth, Texas, 2003-08
Salado Creek Bacteria Source Tracking
Red River Focus Area Study
Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Investigation of the Trinity and Northern Segment Edwards Aquifers
City of Austin Water Quality Data Review and Analysis
Concentration of chemical constituents in lake sediments from selected coring locations on Lake Lanier, Georgia, May 2018
Sediment-quality and water-toxicity data from 10 sites on the Westside Creeks and San Antonio River, San Antonio, Texas, 2014
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
Collecting a groundwater-quality sample from a public-supply well. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
Collecting a groundwater-quality sample from a public-supply well. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A large-volume public supply well in San Antonio, Texas. This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
This well is being sampled for water-quality constituents as part of the NAWQA Enhanced Trend Network project.
A USGS researcher uses an ASTM-approved vacuum to collect house dust for analysis.
A USGS researcher uses an ASTM-approved vacuum to collect house dust for analysis.
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government