Jonathan V Thomas
Hydrology and Hydraulics Studies Chief at Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center
Science and Products
USEPA Science Support - Geophysical Logging
The USGS provides geophysical expertise and support to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction at Air Force Plant 4
The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center is monitoring sediment, surface-water, and groundwater properties at Air Force Plant 4.
Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Investigation of the Trinity and Northern Segment Edwards Aquifers
The USGS Texas Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District and Bell County Adaptive Management Coalition, is evaluating the hydrogeology and water quality of the Northern segment of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in Bell County to provide regional resource managers responsible for regulation of water use and drought management strategies with...
Geophysical Logging of Dockum Aquifer
To aid in the understanding of the Dockum aquifer, USGS will collect borehole geophysical logs at multiple Dockum wells. All geophysical logs will be reviewed to assess lithology and groundwater quality changes.
Geophysical Science in Oklahoma and Texas
Geophysical techniques used by the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) provide a relatively quick and inexpensive means to gain insights into how groundwater systems work and the occurrence and distribution of certain contaminants. These techniques are an important tool for scientific investigations, environmental planning, and resource management. Visit the links below for more...
Hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017
This Data Release contains various types of hydrologic and geologic data from the Upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study from 1921-2017, including groundwater-level measurement data compiled and synthesized from various sources, water-level altitude and water-level change maps developed from the water-level measurement data every 5 years from 1980-2015, and the horizontal extent of 13...
Compilation of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surface Geophysical Soundings, Historical Borehole Characteristics, Water Level, Water Quality and Hydraulic Properties Data Throughout Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties in Texas, 1929-2019
In cooperation with the Llano Estacado Underground Water Conservation District (LEUWCD), the Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District (SLUWCD), and the South Plains Underground Water Conservation District (SPUWCD), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) compiled historical geophysical and geochemical data in Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties, Texas, and collected additional data...
Data Used to Assess the Hydrogeologic Framework with Emphasis on the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity Aquifers, in and Near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas, 2018
More than 11,500 well records, such as geophysical logs, drilling descriptions, and published hydrogeologic framework information, were evaluated to help characterize the framework of hydrogeologic units in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas. Additional geophysical data were collected to improve the spatial coverage across the study area and to reduce uncertainty with...
Data Associated with Uranium Background Concentrations at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, July 2016 through October 2016
To help characterize the groundwater system at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, the U.S. Geological Survey collected borehole geophysical and groundwater-quality data in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during JulyOctober 2016. The following borehole geophysical data were collected from wells at or near the Homestake Mining Company...
Changes between early development (1930–60) and recent (2005–15) groundwater-level altitudes and dissolved-solids and nitrate concentrations In and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas
Llano Estacado Underground Water Conservation District, Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District, and South Plains Underground Water Conservation District manage groundwater resources in a part of west Texas near the Texas-New Mexico State line. Declining groundwater levels have raised concerns about the amount of available groundwater in the study area and the potential for...
Filter Total Items: 18
Discrete streamflow measurements and waterborne self-potential logging of a 43-kilometer-long reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River upstream from Dallas, Texas
Continuous and discrete streamflow data were combined with waterborne self-potential (WaSP), surface-water temperature and surface-water conductivity surveys obtained along an approximately 43-kilometer (26.7 mile) surveyed reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River (hereinafter referred to as “Elm Fork”) upstream from Dallas, Texas, to investigate areas of gaining and losing streamflow under...
Jonathan V. Thomas, Scott Ikard, Roger K. Trader, David Rodriguez
Upper Rio Grande Basin water-resource status and trends: Focus area study review and synthesis
The Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) is a critical international water resource under pressure from a myriad of climatic, ecological, infrastructural, water-use, and legal constraints. The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution and temporal trends of selected water-budget components (snow processes, evapotranspiration (ET), streamflow...
Kyle R. Douglas-Mankin, Christine Rumsey, Graham A. Sexstone, Tamara I. Ivahnenko, Natalie Houston, Shaleene Chavarria, Gabriel B. Senay, Linzy K. Foster, Jonathan V. Thomas, Allison K. Flickinger, Amy E. Galanter, C. David Moeser, Toby L. Welborn, Diana E. Pedraza, Patrick M. Lambert, Michael Scott Johnson
Hydrogeologic framework and groundwater characterization in selected alluvial basins in the upper Rio Grande basin, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States, and Chihuahua, Mexico, 1980 to 2015
Increasing demand for the limited water resources of the United States continues to put pressure on resource management agencies to balance the competing needs of ecosystem health with municipal, agricultural, and other uses. To meet these needs, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a multiyear study to evaluate water resources in the upper Rio Grande Basin in the southwestern United...
Natalie A. Houston, Jonathan V. Thomas, Linzy K. Foster, Diana E. Pedraza, Toby L. Welborn
Hydrogeologic framework, geochemistry, groundwater-flow system, and aquifer hydraulic properties used in the development of a conceptual model of the Ogallala, Edwards-Trinity (High Plains), and Dockum aquifers in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counti
In 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Llano Estacado Underground Water Conservation District, Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District, and South Plains Underground Water Conservation District (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “UWCDs”), began a multiphase study in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas, to develop a regional conceptual...
Andrew P. Teeple, Patricia B. Ging, Jonathan V. Thomas, David S. Wallace, Jason D. Payne
Pecos River Basin salinity assessment, Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico, to the confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015
The elevated salinity of the Pecos River throughout much of its length is of paramount concern to water users and water managers. Dissolved-solids concentrations in the Pecos River exceed 3,000 milligrams per liter in many of its reaches in the study area, from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico, to the confluence of the Pecos River with the Rio Grande, Texas. The salinity of the Pecos River...
Natalie A. Houston, Jonathan V. Thomas, Patricia B. Ging, Andrew P. Teeple, Diana E. Pedraza, David S. Wallace
Identifying natural and anthropogenic variability of uranium at the well scale, Homestake Superfund site, near Milan, New Mexico, USA
The San Mateo Creek Basin in New Mexico, USA is located within the Grants Mineral Belt-an area with numerous uranium (U) ore deposits, mines, and milling operations. Six monitoring wells set in an alluvial aquifer near the Homestake Mining Co. Superfund site in the lower San Mateo Creek Basin were logged with a suite of borehole geophysical tools including spectral gamma-ray (SGR)...
Philip T. Harte, Johanna M. Blake, Jonathan V. Thomas, Kent Becher
Updated numerical model with uncertainty assessment of 1950-56 drought conditions on brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer, San Antonio, Texas
In 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the San Antonio Water System, began a study to assess the brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer (more specifically the potential for brackish-water encroachment into wells near the interface between the freshwater and brackish-water transition zones, referred to in this report as the transition-zone interface) and...
Linzy K. Brakefield, Jeremy T. White, Natalie A. Houston, Jonathan V. Thomas
Sample descriptions and geophysical logs for cored well BP-3-USGS, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Alamosa County, Colorado
The BP-3-USGS well was drilled at the southwestern corner of Great Sand Dunes National Park in the San Luis Valley, south-central Colorado, 68 feet (ft, 20.7 meters [m]) southwest of the National Park Service’s boundary-piezometer (BP) well 3. BP-3-USGS is located at latitude 37°43ʹ18.06ʺN. and longitude 105°43ʹ39.30ʺW., at an elevation of 7,549 ft (2,301 m). The well was drilled through...
V. J. S. Grauch, Gary L. Skipp, Jonathan V. Thomas, Joshua K. Davis, Mary Ellen Benson
Simulation of groundwater flow in the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer, a major aquifer in the Pecos County region of western Texas, is a vital groundwater resource for agricultural, industrial, and public supply uses. Resource managers would like to better understand the future availability of water in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer in the Pecos County region and the effects of the possible increase or temporal redistribution of...
Jonathan V. Thomas
A multiphased approach to groundwater investigations for the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer is a vital groundwater resource for agricultural, industrial, and public supply uses in the Pecos County region of western Texas. Resource managers would like to understand the future availability of water in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer in the Pecos County region and the effects of the possible increase or temporal redistribution of groundwater withdrawals. To...
Jonathan V. Thomas
Simulation of groundwater flow in the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer is a vital groundwater resource for agricultural, industrial, and public supply uses in the Pecos County region of western Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey completed a comprehensive, integrated analysis of available hydrogeologic data to develop a numerical groundwater-flow model of the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the study area in parts of...
Brian R. Clark, Johnathan R. Bumgarner, Natalie A. Houston, Adam L. Foster
Borehole geophysical, fluid, and hydraulic properties within and near the freshwater/saline-water transition zone, San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas, 2010-11
The freshwater zone of the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer is used by residents of San Antonio and numerous other rapidly growing communities in south-central Texas as their primary water supply source. This freshwater zone is bounded to the south and southeast by a saline-water zone with an intermediate zone transitioning from freshwater to saline water (transition zone). As...
Jonathan V. Thomas, Gregory P. Stanton
Science and Products
USEPA Science Support - Geophysical Logging
The USGS provides geophysical expertise and support to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction at Air Force Plant 4
The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center is monitoring sediment, surface-water, and groundwater properties at Air Force Plant 4.
Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Investigation of the Trinity and Northern Segment Edwards Aquifers
The USGS Texas Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District and Bell County Adaptive Management Coalition, is evaluating the hydrogeology and water quality of the Northern segment of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in Bell County to provide regional resource managers responsible for regulation of water use and drought management strategies with...
Geophysical Logging of Dockum Aquifer
To aid in the understanding of the Dockum aquifer, USGS will collect borehole geophysical logs at multiple Dockum wells. All geophysical logs will be reviewed to assess lithology and groundwater quality changes.
Geophysical Science in Oklahoma and Texas
Geophysical techniques used by the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) provide a relatively quick and inexpensive means to gain insights into how groundwater systems work and the occurrence and distribution of certain contaminants. These techniques are an important tool for scientific investigations, environmental planning, and resource management. Visit the links below for more...
Hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017
This Data Release contains various types of hydrologic and geologic data from the Upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study from 1921-2017, including groundwater-level measurement data compiled and synthesized from various sources, water-level altitude and water-level change maps developed from the water-level measurement data every 5 years from 1980-2015, and the horizontal extent of 13...
Compilation of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surface Geophysical Soundings, Historical Borehole Characteristics, Water Level, Water Quality and Hydraulic Properties Data Throughout Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties in Texas, 1929-2019
In cooperation with the Llano Estacado Underground Water Conservation District (LEUWCD), the Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District (SLUWCD), and the South Plains Underground Water Conservation District (SPUWCD), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) compiled historical geophysical and geochemical data in Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties, Texas, and collected additional data...
Data Used to Assess the Hydrogeologic Framework with Emphasis on the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity Aquifers, in and Near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas, 2018
More than 11,500 well records, such as geophysical logs, drilling descriptions, and published hydrogeologic framework information, were evaluated to help characterize the framework of hydrogeologic units in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas. Additional geophysical data were collected to improve the spatial coverage across the study area and to reduce uncertainty with...
Data Associated with Uranium Background Concentrations at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, July 2016 through October 2016
To help characterize the groundwater system at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, the U.S. Geological Survey collected borehole geophysical and groundwater-quality data in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during JulyOctober 2016. The following borehole geophysical data were collected from wells at or near the Homestake Mining Company...
Changes between early development (1930–60) and recent (2005–15) groundwater-level altitudes and dissolved-solids and nitrate concentrations In and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas
Llano Estacado Underground Water Conservation District, Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District, and South Plains Underground Water Conservation District manage groundwater resources in a part of west Texas near the Texas-New Mexico State line. Declining groundwater levels have raised concerns about the amount of available groundwater in the study area and the potential for...
Filter Total Items: 18
Discrete streamflow measurements and waterborne self-potential logging of a 43-kilometer-long reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River upstream from Dallas, Texas
Continuous and discrete streamflow data were combined with waterborne self-potential (WaSP), surface-water temperature and surface-water conductivity surveys obtained along an approximately 43-kilometer (26.7 mile) surveyed reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River (hereinafter referred to as “Elm Fork”) upstream from Dallas, Texas, to investigate areas of gaining and losing streamflow under...
Jonathan V. Thomas, Scott Ikard, Roger K. Trader, David Rodriguez
Upper Rio Grande Basin water-resource status and trends: Focus area study review and synthesis
The Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) is a critical international water resource under pressure from a myriad of climatic, ecological, infrastructural, water-use, and legal constraints. The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution and temporal trends of selected water-budget components (snow processes, evapotranspiration (ET), streamflow...
Kyle R. Douglas-Mankin, Christine Rumsey, Graham A. Sexstone, Tamara I. Ivahnenko, Natalie Houston, Shaleene Chavarria, Gabriel B. Senay, Linzy K. Foster, Jonathan V. Thomas, Allison K. Flickinger, Amy E. Galanter, C. David Moeser, Toby L. Welborn, Diana E. Pedraza, Patrick M. Lambert, Michael Scott Johnson
Hydrogeologic framework and groundwater characterization in selected alluvial basins in the upper Rio Grande basin, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States, and Chihuahua, Mexico, 1980 to 2015
Increasing demand for the limited water resources of the United States continues to put pressure on resource management agencies to balance the competing needs of ecosystem health with municipal, agricultural, and other uses. To meet these needs, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a multiyear study to evaluate water resources in the upper Rio Grande Basin in the southwestern United...
Natalie A. Houston, Jonathan V. Thomas, Linzy K. Foster, Diana E. Pedraza, Toby L. Welborn
Hydrogeologic framework, geochemistry, groundwater-flow system, and aquifer hydraulic properties used in the development of a conceptual model of the Ogallala, Edwards-Trinity (High Plains), and Dockum aquifers in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counti
In 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Llano Estacado Underground Water Conservation District, Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District, and South Plains Underground Water Conservation District (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “UWCDs”), began a multiphase study in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas, to develop a regional conceptual...
Andrew P. Teeple, Patricia B. Ging, Jonathan V. Thomas, David S. Wallace, Jason D. Payne
Pecos River Basin salinity assessment, Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico, to the confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015
The elevated salinity of the Pecos River throughout much of its length is of paramount concern to water users and water managers. Dissolved-solids concentrations in the Pecos River exceed 3,000 milligrams per liter in many of its reaches in the study area, from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico, to the confluence of the Pecos River with the Rio Grande, Texas. The salinity of the Pecos River...
Natalie A. Houston, Jonathan V. Thomas, Patricia B. Ging, Andrew P. Teeple, Diana E. Pedraza, David S. Wallace
Identifying natural and anthropogenic variability of uranium at the well scale, Homestake Superfund site, near Milan, New Mexico, USA
The San Mateo Creek Basin in New Mexico, USA is located within the Grants Mineral Belt-an area with numerous uranium (U) ore deposits, mines, and milling operations. Six monitoring wells set in an alluvial aquifer near the Homestake Mining Co. Superfund site in the lower San Mateo Creek Basin were logged with a suite of borehole geophysical tools including spectral gamma-ray (SGR)...
Philip T. Harte, Johanna M. Blake, Jonathan V. Thomas, Kent Becher
Updated numerical model with uncertainty assessment of 1950-56 drought conditions on brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer, San Antonio, Texas
In 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the San Antonio Water System, began a study to assess the brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer (more specifically the potential for brackish-water encroachment into wells near the interface between the freshwater and brackish-water transition zones, referred to in this report as the transition-zone interface) and...
Linzy K. Brakefield, Jeremy T. White, Natalie A. Houston, Jonathan V. Thomas
Sample descriptions and geophysical logs for cored well BP-3-USGS, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Alamosa County, Colorado
The BP-3-USGS well was drilled at the southwestern corner of Great Sand Dunes National Park in the San Luis Valley, south-central Colorado, 68 feet (ft, 20.7 meters [m]) southwest of the National Park Service’s boundary-piezometer (BP) well 3. BP-3-USGS is located at latitude 37°43ʹ18.06ʺN. and longitude 105°43ʹ39.30ʺW., at an elevation of 7,549 ft (2,301 m). The well was drilled through...
V. J. S. Grauch, Gary L. Skipp, Jonathan V. Thomas, Joshua K. Davis, Mary Ellen Benson
Simulation of groundwater flow in the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer, a major aquifer in the Pecos County region of western Texas, is a vital groundwater resource for agricultural, industrial, and public supply uses. Resource managers would like to better understand the future availability of water in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer in the Pecos County region and the effects of the possible increase or temporal redistribution of...
Jonathan V. Thomas
A multiphased approach to groundwater investigations for the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer is a vital groundwater resource for agricultural, industrial, and public supply uses in the Pecos County region of western Texas. Resource managers would like to understand the future availability of water in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer in the Pecos County region and the effects of the possible increase or temporal redistribution of groundwater withdrawals. To...
Jonathan V. Thomas
Simulation of groundwater flow in the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer is a vital groundwater resource for agricultural, industrial, and public supply uses in the Pecos County region of western Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey completed a comprehensive, integrated analysis of available hydrogeologic data to develop a numerical groundwater-flow model of the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the study area in parts of...
Brian R. Clark, Johnathan R. Bumgarner, Natalie A. Houston, Adam L. Foster
Borehole geophysical, fluid, and hydraulic properties within and near the freshwater/saline-water transition zone, San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas, 2010-11
The freshwater zone of the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer is used by residents of San Antonio and numerous other rapidly growing communities in south-central Texas as their primary water supply source. This freshwater zone is bounded to the south and southeast by a saline-water zone with an intermediate zone transitioning from freshwater to saline water (transition zone). As...
Jonathan V. Thomas, Gregory P. Stanton