USGS scientist holds a young skunk with an ear tag ID and a lightweight GPS collar. The USGS is studying the movement patterns of skunks and raccoons in Suisun Marsh, CA to learn how they use different landscape features, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
Sarah Peterson
Dr. Sarah Peterson is a Wildlife Biologist at the Dixon Field Station.
She is broadly interested in the ecology and movement of upper trophic level predators, with a focus on birds and mammals. Additionally, she is interested in the interplay between foraging ecology and both contaminant bioaccumulation and toxicological risk. She conducted her PhD at UC Santa Cruz, where she examined how ecology and physiology influence contaminant bioaccumulation (mercury and persistent organic pollutants) in seals and sea lions.
Currently, she works as part of a large collaborative research effort to study ground-nesting waterfowl at the Grizzly Island Wildlife Area. She leads a portion of the study that quantifies survival and movement of ducklings, using VHF radio-telemetry. She also quantifies the space use and movements of raccoons and skunks around duck nests using GPS technology.
- Ph.D. 2015. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. University of California Santa Cruz, CA (UCSC)
- M.Sc. 2008. Marine and Estuarine Science. Dept. of Biology. Western Washington University, WA (WWU)
- B.A. 2005. Biology and Environmental Studies. Whitman College, WA
Professional Research Experience
- Wildlife Biologist, USGS, Western Ecological Research Center (2015–present)
- Doctoral Researcher, Ecology, Physiology & Conservation of Marine Animals Lab, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCSC (2010–2015)
- Biological Technician (shorebird & seabird research), USGS, Western Ecological Research Center (2010)
- Biological Technician & Volunteer, Yellowstone Gray Wolf Recovery Program, Yellowstone National Park (2008–2009 & 2015)
- Masters Research, Marine Mammal Ecology Lab, Dept. of Biology, WWU (2006–2008)
- Graduate Student Research Assistant, Marine Mammal Ecology Lab, Dept. of Biology, WWU (2007)
- Biological Researcher, Ecological Research Station, Öland, Sweden (2004)
- Field Assistant, Botswana Wild Dog Research Camp, Botswana, Africa (2003)
Outreach and Education
- Graduate Student TA, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCSC (2011, 2014 & 2015)
- Naturalist & Kayak Guide, CA, WA, & southeast AK (2005–2015)
- Graduate Student TA, Dept. of Biology, WWU (2007–2008)
- GK-12 National Science Foundation Fellow (graduate students in K-12 education), Dept. of Biology, WWU (2006–2007)
- Science Instructor, The Ocean Institute, CA (2005–2006)
Science and Products
Bird use of Winter-Flooded Rice Fields in the Sacramento Valley, California
Duckling Survival in a Brackish Marsh
Methylmercury Effects on Birds: Bibliography and Dataset for the Development of Toxicity Reference Values for Injury Assessment
Egg Membrane Thickness in 13 Waterbird Species
Maternal Transfer of Mercury to Northern Elephant Seal Pups
Eggshell Thickness in 5 Songbird Species
Mercury, Cortisol, and Blood Biomarkers in Adult Female Northern Elephant Seals from 2011 to 2021
Predator Movements and Duck Nests in Relation to Habitat Features in Suisun Marsh, CA (2016-2019)
Data measuring avian influenza infection, mercury concentration, and body condition in wild waterfowl
Nocturnal Incubation Recess and Flushing Behavior by Duck Hens Nesting in Grizzly Island Wildlife Area 2015-2018
Hair and blood total mercury concentrations in raccoons and striped skunks from Suisun Marsh 2016 to 2019
Avian Eggshell Thickness for 12 Species in the Western U.S. from 2014 to 2018
USGS scientist holds a young skunk with an ear tag ID and a lightweight GPS collar. The USGS is studying the movement patterns of skunks and raccoons in Suisun Marsh, CA to learn how they use different landscape features, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
USGS field scientist uses radio telemetry to search for skunks and raccoons tagged with lightweight radio collars. USGS is monitoring skunk and raccoon movements across California's inland marshes to understand how they are using different features of the landscape, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
USGS field scientist uses radio telemetry to search for skunks and raccoons tagged with lightweight radio collars. USGS is monitoring skunk and raccoon movements across California's inland marshes to understand how they are using different features of the landscape, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
Photo of a skunk with an ear tag ID. Scientists from the USGS Western Ecological Research Center are studying the movements of skunks and raccoons within Suisun Marsh, CA to understand how they navigate the marsh to reach waterfowl nests. Results will inform the management of waterfowl populations within the Central Valley, CA.
Photo of a skunk with an ear tag ID. Scientists from the USGS Western Ecological Research Center are studying the movements of skunks and raccoons within Suisun Marsh, CA to understand how they navigate the marsh to reach waterfowl nests. Results will inform the management of waterfowl populations within the Central Valley, CA.
Hen in Suisun Marsh, CA.
Gadwall ducklings in nest, Suisun Marsh, CA.
Gadwall ducklings in nest, Suisun Marsh, CA.
Male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) resting on a sandy beach along the coast of California.
Male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) resting on a sandy beach along the coast of California.
Bird habitat value and management priorities of the California Winter Rice Habitat Incentive Program
Body mass changes of dabbling and diving ducks wintering in California
Methylmercury effects on birds: A review, meta-analysis, and development of toxicity reference values for injury assessment based on tissue residues and diet
Eggshell membrane thickness and its contribution to total eggshell thickness for 13 waterbird species
Foraging behavior and age affect maternal transfer of mercury to northern elephant seal pups
Eggshell thickness and egg morphometrics in five songbird species from the Central Valley, California
Nest attendance, incubation constancy, and onset of incubation in dabbling ducks
Habitat use by breeding waterbirds in relation to tidal marsh restoration in the San Francisco Bay estuary
Dabbling duck eggs hatch after nest abandonment in the wild
Predator movements in relation to habitat features reveal vulnerability of duck nests to predation
Avian influenza antibody prevalence increases with mercury contamination in wild waterfowl
Wetland availability and salinity concentrations for breeding waterfowl in Suisun Marsh, California
Waterfowl Ecology in Suisun Marsh and the Pacific Flyway
Methylmercury Effects on Birds: Percent Injury Tool
Science and Products
Bird use of Winter-Flooded Rice Fields in the Sacramento Valley, California
Duckling Survival in a Brackish Marsh
Methylmercury Effects on Birds: Bibliography and Dataset for the Development of Toxicity Reference Values for Injury Assessment
Egg Membrane Thickness in 13 Waterbird Species
Maternal Transfer of Mercury to Northern Elephant Seal Pups
Eggshell Thickness in 5 Songbird Species
Mercury, Cortisol, and Blood Biomarkers in Adult Female Northern Elephant Seals from 2011 to 2021
Predator Movements and Duck Nests in Relation to Habitat Features in Suisun Marsh, CA (2016-2019)
Data measuring avian influenza infection, mercury concentration, and body condition in wild waterfowl
Nocturnal Incubation Recess and Flushing Behavior by Duck Hens Nesting in Grizzly Island Wildlife Area 2015-2018
Hair and blood total mercury concentrations in raccoons and striped skunks from Suisun Marsh 2016 to 2019
Avian Eggshell Thickness for 12 Species in the Western U.S. from 2014 to 2018
USGS scientist holds a young skunk with an ear tag ID and a lightweight GPS collar. The USGS is studying the movement patterns of skunks and raccoons in Suisun Marsh, CA to learn how they use different landscape features, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
USGS scientist holds a young skunk with an ear tag ID and a lightweight GPS collar. The USGS is studying the movement patterns of skunks and raccoons in Suisun Marsh, CA to learn how they use different landscape features, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
USGS field scientist uses radio telemetry to search for skunks and raccoons tagged with lightweight radio collars. USGS is monitoring skunk and raccoon movements across California's inland marshes to understand how they are using different features of the landscape, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
USGS field scientist uses radio telemetry to search for skunks and raccoons tagged with lightweight radio collars. USGS is monitoring skunk and raccoon movements across California's inland marshes to understand how they are using different features of the landscape, like levee roads, to navigate to waterfowl nests.
Photo of a skunk with an ear tag ID. Scientists from the USGS Western Ecological Research Center are studying the movements of skunks and raccoons within Suisun Marsh, CA to understand how they navigate the marsh to reach waterfowl nests. Results will inform the management of waterfowl populations within the Central Valley, CA.
Photo of a skunk with an ear tag ID. Scientists from the USGS Western Ecological Research Center are studying the movements of skunks and raccoons within Suisun Marsh, CA to understand how they navigate the marsh to reach waterfowl nests. Results will inform the management of waterfowl populations within the Central Valley, CA.
Hen in Suisun Marsh, CA.
Gadwall ducklings in nest, Suisun Marsh, CA.
Gadwall ducklings in nest, Suisun Marsh, CA.
Male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) resting on a sandy beach along the coast of California.
Male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) resting on a sandy beach along the coast of California.