Todd Wojtowicz, Ph.D.
I am the communications biologist at Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK).
I am responsible helping our partners, the media, and the public appreciate the diversity and importance of the science conducted at NOROCK. I use a variety of tools to accomplish this, including the NOROCK website, social media, press releases, and USGS Featured Stories to name a few.
Please check out NOROCK’s Twitter account @USGS_MT.
If you are from the media or from the public and would like to know more about our science center, please contact me:
Science and Products
Seasonal Movement of Wild Hogs in Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area and Great Smoky Mountains National Park
The wild hog (Sus scrofa) is an exotic invasive species that significantly impacts native resources and their populations are expanding significantly throughout the United States. In addition, wild hogs are likely contributing to the spread of disease such as pseudorabies. National Park Service units in the Southeast that have populations of exotic wild hogs include Big South Fork National River...
Member of the Media?
NOROCK scientists enjoy interactions and engagement with the media. Please contact Todd Wojtowicz to request an interview or learn more about the Center.
Joe Clark's Research
This is a summary of the research focus for Dr. Joe Clark.
Science and Products
Seasonal Movement of Wild Hogs in Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area and Great Smoky Mountains National Park
The wild hog (Sus scrofa) is an exotic invasive species that significantly impacts native resources and their populations are expanding significantly throughout the United States. In addition, wild hogs are likely contributing to the spread of disease such as pseudorabies. National Park Service units in the Southeast that have populations of exotic wild hogs include Big South Fork National River...
Member of the Media?
NOROCK scientists enjoy interactions and engagement with the media. Please contact Todd Wojtowicz to request an interview or learn more about the Center.
Joe Clark's Research
This is a summary of the research focus for Dr. Joe Clark.