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Editing a Basin

Did you know you can modify the shape of a StreamStats delineated basin? We provide full instructions on how to utilize our Edit Basin tool.

StreamStats Edit Basin Tool in the sidebar panel

Clicking on the Edit Basin button will cause the area in the Identify A Study Area panel to be replaced with a set of instructions for using the edit tool and buttons for adding an area, removing an area, undoing edits, and finishing the edits. This tool does not work for very large basins, usually exceeding more than 1,000 square miles. The Edit Basin button will not appear when a delineated basin is too large.

Adding an Area

Click on the Add Area button. Your cursor will change from a pointer to a set of cross-hairs. Click on at least 3 points on the map, at least one of which must be within the delineated basin boundary. StreamStats will draw lines between each point. Double-click on the last point to complete defining the area to be added. The map will then redraw showing the area added to the previously delineated boundary.

Deleting an Area

Click on the Remove Area button. Your cursor will change from a pointer to a set of cross-hairs. Click on at least 3 points on the map, at least one of which must be outside of the delineated basin boundary. StreamStats will draw lines between each point. Double-click on the last point to complete defining the area to be added. The map will then redraw showing the area removed from the previously delineated boundary.

Undo Edits

Clicking on the Undo Edits button will cause any edits made to disappear and the the basin will revert to the original shape. The sidebar will then appear as it does in the screen capture that is just above the Editing a Basin section. Click on Continue to proceed with getting further information for the delineated basin.


Clicking on the Finished button also will cause any edits made to be retained and the sidebar to appear as it does in the screen capture that is just above the Editing a Basin section. Click on Continue to proceed with getting further information for the edited basin.

StreamStats Edit Basin Step 1

StreamStats Edit Basin Step 2
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