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Lidar for Washington Wildfire Impact Areas

In FY 2022, USGS received disaster supplement funds (Public Law 117-43) for the following activities:

Wildfire/lidar-specific tasks and benefits 2022

A false-color image of a landslide in Washington State, 2019
A false-color image of a landslide in Washington State, 2019, captured with an average of 2 points per square meter appropriations
  • The goal of the 3D Elevation Program is to complete the first-ever baseline of consistent high-resolution elevation data to support a range of critical applications including hazards response, recovery, and mitigation.
  • Funding will be used to collect and process light detection and ranging (lidar) data at priority locations affected by wildfires in Washington, including reservation and trust lands of several Tribes. USGS partner agencies are providing additional funding to complete data coverage of the affected areas.
  • Lidar data will be used in wildfire risk mapping, Tribal and Federal forest management planning, and other recovery efforts.





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