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Wildfire Water Gage Network Hardening and Data Restoration

In FY 2022, USGS received disaster supplement funds (Public Law 117-43) for the following activities:

Wildfire/water gage network: tasks and benefits 2022

Equipment before and after a wildfire
Equipment before and after a wildfire
  • Wildfires in California and Oregon damaged or destroyed gages, field instruments, and telecommunication infrastructure. Equipment reserves were depleted to return affected gages and sensors to operational status. Funding will be used to replenish reserves and harden specific gages.
  • Funding will also be used to complete field measurements and hydraulic-modeling work to re-establish accurate streamflow information in burned areas of California with suspected channel alterations or service degradation.
  • Site data restoration will ensure proper and timely forecasts to protect lives and property and track the hydrologic recovery of the wildfire-altered watersheds.



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