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205.10 - Financial Administration Delegations



Issuance Number:     205.10

Subject:                           Financial Administration Delegations         

Issuance Date:            03/18/2021; Appendix A on 12/17/2021

Expiration Date:         03/18/2026

Responsible Office:  Office of Administration/Office of Accounting and Financial Management

Instruction:  This replaces Survey Manual (SM) chapter 205.10 dated April 27, 2005.  

Approving Official:      /s/ Katherine M. McCulloch

                                           Associate Director for Administration


1.       Purpose.  This SM chapter establishes delegations of authority necessary to carry out specific financial management and fiscal services functions at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

2.       Authority.  The Assistant Secretary—Water and Science, in Part 220, Chapter 10 of the Departmental Manual (220 DM 10), delegated authority to the Director to carry out specific financial administration responsibilities.  The Director redelegates this authority to the USGS officials specified by appendices to this SM chapter.  Managers and supervisors do not relinquish the power to exercise the authority being delegated to their subordinates.

3.       Responsibilities.  All USGS employees involved in activities covered by this SM chapter are responsible for following delegations listed in Appendix A and Appendix B.

4.       Policy.  General provisions regarding policy and limitations on delegations are established in SM 200.1, Delegations.  General provisions regarding policy and guidelines on redelegations are established in SM 200.2, Redelegations.


205.10_Appendix_A_2021.docx (

Appendix B - Contact the Office of Accounting and Financial Management

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