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308.5.2 - Information Management and Delivery Committee

The Information Management and Delivery Committee is responsible for recommending bureau policies and strategic actions related to data and information management and dissemination.


OPR: Director's Office

1. Establishment. The Information Management and Delivery Committee (IMDC) is one of two standing committees established as part of the USGS Information Council.

2. Purpose. The IMDC is responsible for recommending bureau policies and strategic actions related to data and information management and dissemination. IMDC purview includes both administrative and scientific information with emphasis on improving electronic exchange of information and facilitating bureau coordination. IMDC goals are consistent information management, expanded information exchange and integration, and improved information products. Specific IMDC responsibilities are to:

A. Review and recommend policy relating to data and information management and dissemination.

B. Review and promote information management-related recommendations from bureau wide forums, studies, and the strategic plan.

C. Evaluate the organizational and financial impacts of information management related activities.

D. Recommend adoption of standards-based approaches to data and information management.

E. Develop information management guidelines to be used in project and program planning, program reviews, and bureau budget initiatives.

F. Identify and prioritize data management issues needed to foster effective information exchange and integration.

G. Coordinate with the Department of the Interior and other agencies and organizations as necessary. Provide liaison to DOI Publishing Council through the Interdivisional Publication Management Group.

3. Representation. The IMDC is composed of individuals representing the major functional areas of data and information management and delivery. Chairmanship is for a one year term and may be renewed for no more than a second year. Chairmanship will be filled by nomination by the committee subject to approval by the Information Council. Members shall serve for no more than three consecutive years. One-third of the committee rotates every year.

4. Subcommittees Groups. The Committee is authorized to appoint subcommittees or workgroups on a temporary or ad-hoc basis.

5. Type of organization. Temporary.

6. Reporting. The IMDC reports to the Information Council.

7. Staff. An executive secretary and staff support, if needed, will be provided by the IMDC Chair's home Division.

8. Meetings. Monthly or at the call of the Chairperson.

9. Sunset Review. The need for continuation of this Committee will be reviewed every 3 years.

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