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408.9 - Personal Property Utilization and Disposal


Date: 9/30/1991

OPR: Administration/Facilities and Management Services


1. Purpose. This chapter establishes the policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the utilization and disposal of USGS personal property.

2. Authorities.

A. Congress has the sole authority over the disposition of Federal properties, both real and personal. This authority stems from the Constitution (Article IV, Section 3, paragraph 2).

B. The policies and procedures governing utilization and disposal of Government-owned personal property are set forth in the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.

C. The Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR) implement the policies and procedures set forth under the Act for the utilization and disposal of property within the Government.

D. The Interior Department policy governing the disposal of personal property under varying circumstances is set forth in the Interior Property Management Regulations (IPMR).

3. Definitions.

A. ADP. Automatic data processing (computer) hardware.

B. Controlled/Accountable Property. This is property which is controlled on an individual item basis and assigned a unique U.S. Geological Survey identification number. The terms "controlled" and "accountable" are used interchangeably within the USGS.

C. Disposal. The disposition of surplus personal property through donation, sale, or abandonment or destruction.

D. Excess Personal Property. Any personal property under the control of any Federal agency which is not required for its needs and the discharge of its responsibilities, as determined by the head thereof.

E. Reportable Property. Property which must be reported to the General Services Administration for reutilization and donation screening in accordance with the FPMR. Reportable property includes items that are not controlled/accountable.

F. Surplus Personal Property. Any excess personal property not required for the needs and discharge of the responsibilities of any Federal agency, as determined by the Administrator of General Services.

G. Utilization. The identification, reporting, and transfer of excess personal property to fill current or future authorized requirements in lieu of procurement.

4. Policy.

A. It is the policy of the USGS to account for, and to utilize, only that personal property which is essential to the accomplishment of its programs and missions. Excess or other available property will be disposed of promptly in accordance with Federal regulations.

(1) Controlled/accountable property, furniture, and ADP in any condition, and all reportable property (whether or not controlled) which is no longer required by the Custodial Property Officer (CPO) and which is located in Washington, D.C. (including Reston), Denver, San Francisco Bay (including Menlo Park), Rolla, Stennis Space Center, and Flagstaff greater metropolitan areas, as well as any other property which can be economically transferred to one of the USGS warehouses, will be promptly turned in to the appropriate USGS warehouse to obtain optimal reutilization.

(2) Controlled/accountable property, furniture, ADP, and reportable property (whether or not controlled) that is no longer required by the CPO and which cannot be economically transferred to one of the USGS warehouses will be promptly reported following one of the procedures detailed in the Property Management Handbook. The Handbook prescribes separate specific procedures depending upon type of property, condition, serviceability, and repairability.

B. All accountable USGS property shall be marked to identify it as belonging to USGS and shall also carry an identifying property number (SID). Motor vehicles and watercraft shall display special identification in accordance with FPMR and IPMR requirements.

C. A Property Pass (Form DI-1934) is required to remove Government-owned property from USGS-controlled facilities. In addition, the individual removing the property must have written authorization of their supervisor for performing official duties offsite.

D. A complete physical inventory shall be conducted on a periodic basis as directed by the Property Management Officer (PMO).

E. Requests to acquire personal property will be initiated only for property that is essential for accomplishing the mission of the acquiring office.

F. Property shall not be loaned, transferred, or "given" to non-USGS entities unless specific authority exists to do so, and then only within the scope, purpose, and limitations as stated in the authority. Such authority may exist when the use of USGS-owned property has been authorized within the written terms and conditions of a legally executed contract, grant, cooperative agreement, purchase order, or memorandum of understanding. The contracting/grants officer, or other authorized official for that legal instrument, is the only official who can authorize the provision, acquisition, reimbursement, utilization or disposal of any Government property so involved.

5. Responsibilities.

A. The Chief, Office of Facilities and Management Services (OFMS), through the PMO, is responsible for the disposal of all ADP (owned or leased) with a line item value over $1 million and the management of the property disposal program for Eastern Region and Headquarters offices in the National Center complex and Metropolitan Washington D.C. area. OFMS through the PMO promulgates policy and provides guidance bureauwide for the utilization and disposal of property in accordance with existing regulations.

B. The Regional Management Officers (RMO's), through the Regional Supply Management Officers (SMO's), have responsibilities similar to those in paragraph 5A above for the management and administration of the utilization and disposal programs within their regional areas of responsibility.

C. The Property Administrators (PA's) and Accountable Property Officers (APO's) are responsible for ensuring that CPO's and Cognizant Employees (CE's)/users understand and employ correct procedures for identifying excess and other available personal property for possible reutilization and disposal.

D. The Chief, Office of Financial Management, is responsible for processing billings, collections and/or deposits from sales of property and employee liability actions.

E. The Chief, Materials Management Branch, Reston, VA; and the Regional Supply Management Officers (Denver and Menlo Park) are responsible for the operation of USGS warehouses and are accountable for property in the custody of the respective headquarters and regional Administrative Division warehouses.

F. The Property Administrator (PA) is responsible for designating APO's and CPO's for warehouses under their responsibility; i.e., the Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility, Bay St. Louis, MS (WRD); Rolla, MO (NMD); and Flagstaff, AZ (GD).

G. The Accountable Property Officers (APO's) are responsible for coordinating the utilization and disposal of excess personal property.

H. The Custodial Property Officers (CPO's) are responsible for providing APO's with the required documentation for disposal and/or Property Survey Board actions.

I. The Cognizant Employees (CE's) are the users and are responsible for the effective use of Government property, including prompt notification to the appropriate CPO as soon as items are no longer required by the end users so they can be transferred or reported.

6. Objectives. The objectives for utilization and disposal of Government-owned personal property are as follows:

A. Promote the maximum utilization of excess property.

B. Provide for the transfer of surplus property for donation to eligible recipients.

C. Obtain the optimum monetary return to the Government for property sold.

D. Minimize the need for abandonment or destruction.

7. Management Controls.

A. Inventory Audit. As a part of the management control process to ensure the continued accuracy of property inventories, RMO's and other appointed officials will conduct periodic inventories of accountable property.

B. Property Management Reviews. As directed by the PMO, periodic property management reviews of the property management programs and operations of regional, area, and comparable field office levels, shall be conducted.

8. Procedures. More detailed procedures for utilization and disposal, covering such areas as transfers, inventories, excess, surplus, and abandonment and destruction of USGS personal property are contained in the Property Management Handbook (408-2-H).

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