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410.7 - Hazardous Material Handling and Shipment

This Chapter establishes policy and procedures for the handling and the shipment of hazardous materials in the custody of the USGS.

410.7 - Hazardous Material Handling and Shipment

DATE: 07/02/2018

OPR: Office of Administration/Office of Management Services

Instruction: This chapter revises SM 410.7, dated 03/29/1989, and is updated to reflect organizational changes, responsibilities, and preparation of shipment.

1. Purpose. This Chapter establishes policy and procedures for the handling and the shipment of hazardous materials in the custody of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Hazardous materials means a substance or material which has been determined by the Secretary of Transportation to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health safety and property when transported in commerce and which has been so designated (49 CFR 171.8 and 172).

2. Policy.

A. The transportation of hazardous materials is regulated by Department of Transportation requirements governing the movement of hazardous materials by rail, aircraft, ocean vessel, and motor vehicle.

B. The Materials Management Branch, Transportation Officer in Reston, VA, is appointed to oversee traffic management functions and render advice regarding transportation matters. The Transportation Officer is required to have completed Department of Transportation training for the transport of Hazardous Material via truck that is compliant with the requirements of Subpart H to Part 172 of 49 CFR. In addition, International Air Transport Association (IATA) accredited Dangerous Goods training is required for shipments via air. The Transportation Officer is responsible for maintaining information and guidelines applicable to shipment of the material, (49 CFR 107.333).

3. Responsibilities.

A. U. S. Geological Survey Manual 410.1 – Traffic Management

B. Specific. The Transportation Officer, Office of Management Services, Materials Management Branch is responsible for the interpretation and application of Federal, State, or Local Government regulations regarding the shipment of hazardous material under the control of the USGS. When required, advice and assistance on these matters shall be obtained from the appropriate General Services Administration (GSA) office to affect the necessary planning and control and to provide the needed guidance for such shipments.

4. Requirements. In addition to the Federal laws and regulations, each state and some municipalities have laws or ordinances regulating the transportation of hazardous material within their jurisdiction. Manufacturers shipping these materials to Government agencies are aware of and comply with these regulations. When a USGS activity originates hazardous material shipments, the transportation officer must be familiar with the laws and regulations governing the shipment of that particular hazardous material.

5. Preparation of Shipment. The packaging requirements for normal freight, does not always apply to hazardous material. When planning to ship hazardous material, the shipper should notify the Transportation Officer or the manufacturer for guidance in preparation of the material for shipment.

6. Reports.

A. Incidents in Shipment. The Hazardous Materials incident Report (Form DOT F 5800.1) must be completed by the carrier and furnished to the Department of Transportation (DOT) in duplicate within 15 days of discovery of any hazardous material which has been unintentionally released from a package (including a tank) or discharged during transportation. Instructions for the preparation and processing of Form DOT F 5800.1 are contained in 40 CFR 171.15-171.17.

B. Discrepancies in Shipment. Any suspected loss, damage, shortage, or any other discrepancy during transit, regardless of value, shall be immediately reported to Transportation Officer.

7. Expiration Date. This chapter must be reviewed biennially, or as needed.


/s/ Roseann Gonzales                                                                          July 2, 2018
______________________________________________                ________________
Roseann Gonzales                                                                                   Date 
Associate Director for Administration

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