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Hydroacoustics Forum

The Hydroacoustics Forum is a USGS resource to educate, learn, and facilitate the exchange of information regarding the application of acoustics to the measurement of streamflow, water velocity, and other hydraulic parameters using a variety of hydroacoustic instruments and software.

The USGS Hydroacoustics Forum is maintained by the USGS for sharing information regarding the application of acoustics to the measurement of streamflow, water velocity, and other hydraulic parameters. The Forum is a resource to educate, learn, and facilitate the exchange of information about applications involving a variety of hydroacoustic software and instruments including acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), side-looking acoustic profilers, acoustic velocity meters (AVMs), and acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs). The Forum is also used by the USGS to disseminate important information regarding quality assurance practices, training, and other matters.

Registration is required to access the Hydroacoustic Forum:

1. Clicking on the Register for Forums link will bring up the following window:

Screenshot of Hydroacoustics Forum registration page.
Screenshot of USGS Hydroacoustics Forum registration page.


2. Enter a user name. This can be any name but your email user ID is recommended.

3. Enter your email address.

4. Enter and verify a password for accessing the forums.

5. Enter the visual verification characters in the space provided.

6. Read through the registration agreement. Scroll down and check "I agree".

Screenshot of Hydroacoustics Forum registration agreement.
Screenshot of USGS Hydroacoustics Forum registration agreement.


7. After registering you will receive and email to activate your registration.

8. Click the link in the email and login in using your password.

9. If you want to be notifed by email when someone posts to a particular board, go to that board and click the "Notify" button on the upper right. This is a toggle button, so be sure to ready the pop-up message to confirm if you are turning the toggle on or off.

Screenshot of Hydroacoustics Forum community homepage with the "Notify" button highlighted.
Screenshot of USGS Hydroacoustics Forum community homepage. 
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