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Expired FY24 3DEP Data Collaboration Announcement (DCA)

The FY2024 3DNTM DCA is closed. The FY24 3DNTM DCA was released on September 7, 2023. The initial deadline for project submissions was October 20, 2023. 

FY24 3DEP Selected Projects | 3DEP Important Information | 3DEP Project Evaluation Considerations | 3DEP Application Instructions | 3DEP Application Materials


FY24 3DEP Selected Projects

3DEP Important Information 

  • Data Acquisition Options 
    • Applicants can apply to use the USGS Geospatial Products and Services Contracts (GPSC) to acquire data or apply for a cooperative agreement and manage data acquisition through a contract the partner directly oversees. 
    • The USGS is responsible for the final inspection/validation of all data acquired through the DCA. 
    • Joint 3DEP-3DHP applications or applications for simultaneous data acquisition of 3DEP and 3DHP will not be accepted. 
  • 3DEP Data Acquisition in Alaska 
    • Statewide 3DEP interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IfSAR) coverage for Alaska was completed in Fiscal Year 2020. Project submissions for lidar in Alaska for QL1 or QL2 will be considered as part of the transition year towards the next generation of 3DEP. 
  • Publication of 3DEP Data for Federally Recognized Tribal Lands 
    • The DOI Policy on Consultation with Indian Tribes and the DOI Policy on Consultation with Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporations requires that DOI Agencies provide Federally recognized Indian Tribes or ANCSA Corporations the opportunity to consult with the Agency before taking any action affecting Tribal or ANCSA Corporation interests. The USGS has determined that the acquisition and publication of airborne lidar for Tribal lands requires Tribal notification. All DCA selectees, regardless of funding instrument used are subject to this policy. 
    • The USGS will initiate and manage the Tribal notification and consultation process on behalf of all DCA selectees shortly after selection. The USGS will identify any Tribal/ANCSA lands within the project boundary and send a notification letter to those Tribes. The DCA selectees will receive a copy of the Tribal notification letter. If the Tribe objects to public release of the products resulting from the lidar acquisition for their lands, the data may not be published. All other project area data outside of the Tribal land boundaries will be published. All non-Federal entities must receive written permission from the Tribe to receive a copy of the restricted data regardless of their status as a funding partner. Entities who receive a copy may not further distribute the restricted Tribal data. 
    • The USGS requests that the data acquisition task order to the contractor contain language regarding access to Tribal lands by survey teams. The task order to the contractor should state that the lidar contractor should avoid sending survey teams onto Tribal lands if possible. If the teams need to collect data on Tribal lands, the collection should be limited to Federal, State, county, or Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) road right of ways. If a project requires additional points outside of these areas, the survey team will contact the Tribe to determine their procedures for access to Tribal lands. 
  • Lidar Base Specifications 
    • DCA project deliverables must conform to the USGS product specification for lidar and derived products in effect at the time of GPSC task order or cooperative agreement award.
  • Quality Level Upgrades During Transition to Next Generation 3DEP 
    • The goal of the 3DEP baseline is to complete data acquisition of nationwide lidar (IfSAR in Alaska) to provide the first-ever national baseline of consistent high-resolution topographic elevation data – both bare earth and 3D point clouds. The USGS is prioritizing partnerships to complete the 3DEP baseline, while also transitioning towards the next generation of 3DEP coverage for areas where the baseline data are 5 or more years old (8 years in Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories). For locations where there is: 
      • No 3DEP baseline data – The USGS anticipates lidar projects for QL2 data. Applicants can submit projects for the acquisition of higher quality (QL1 or better) data in these locations. The USGS will only contribute funds for the cost of QL2 data. Any costs associated with the upgrade to higher quality data will be borne solely by the applicant. 
      • Existing 3DEP baseline data – The USGS anticipates selecting lidar projects for QL1 or QL2 data. Applicants can submit projects for the acquisition of higher quality (QL0) data in these locations, however, the USGS will only contribute funds for the cost of QL1 or QL2 data. Any costs associated with the upgrade to higher quality data will be borne solely by the applicant. 
  • Additional Products 
    • The cost of additional products and services are the sole responsibility of the applicant. 3DEP will not contribute funding toward additional products and services. 
  • Exceptions for Non-Conventional Technologies 
    • Data collected using Geiger Mode and Single Photon lidar systems do not currently meet the 3DEP Lidar Base Specification, which was written to specifically address conventional lidar systems. Applications for the use of non-conventional technologies will be considered and reviewed against the project evaluation considerations, with noted exceptions to the lidar base specifications. All exceptions to the lidar base specifications and other data anomalies resulting from the use of non-conventional lidar systems will be discussed, documented, and agreed upon prior to GPSC task order or cooperative agreement award. 
  • Project Boundary 
    • A Defined Project Area (DPA) must be developed for all 3DEP projects. The DPA is defined as the area of interest (AOI) plus a 100-meter buffer around the AOI. The full extent of the DPA must contain data produced to meet 3DEP lidar base specifications. 
    • Information and instructions for creating a 3DEP DPA are included in Form 3DEP-B: Instructions for Creating 3DEP Defined Project Area and Tile Delivery Scheme. A properly formatted vector GIS file representing the DPA must be used for project cost estimates and submitted as a part of the application. 
  • Project Coordinate Reference System 
    • 3DEP project deliverables will be delivered in the coordinate reference system(s) (CRS) of the applicant’s choosing. The CRS(s) must be registered with the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) as outlined in the current 3DEP Lidar Base Specification. 
  • Project Tiling Scheme 
    • 3DEP project deliverables will be delivered in the tiling scheme of the applicant’s choosing. If the applicant does not have a preferred tiling scheme, the 3DEP National Indexing Scheme is available for use. The 3DEP National Indexing Scheme is designed to be used with Albers Equal Area CRS (EPSG 6350). It is available as a map service for visualization. 
    • Information and instructions for creating a 3DEP tiling scheme as part of the DPA process are included in Form 3DEP-B: Instructions for Creating 3DEP Defined Project Area and Tile Delivery Scheme. 
  • National DCA Statistics 
    • Understanding needs for high-resolution elevation and hydrography data allows the USGS and the 3DNTM stakeholder communities to define a program that best meets the needs of the Nation. Project submissions to the DCA provide insights to geographic priorities, the level of funding needed to support these priorities, and the resources partners can contribute to data acquisition for 3DEP and 3DHP. Collective statistics including total funds requested, total square miles requested, and areas of interest (in graphic and/or GIS file format) may be made publicly available by USGS. Individual applicant information will not be associated with these collective statistics. 
  • Eligible Applicants 
    • Single entities or groups of Federal agencies, State and local governments, Tribes, academic institutions, and the private sector are eligible to submit projects. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), Minority Institutions (MI), Small Business concerns, Small Disadvantaged Business concerns, Women-Owned Small Business concerns, Veteran-Owned Small Business concerns, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business concerns, and HUBZone Small Business concerns are encouraged to submit applications either singularly or as part of a group application. Federal agencies are not eligible to apply for or receive a cooperative agreement, but they may participate as a funding partner in cooperative agreement submissions. 
  • Cost Share and Project Scope 
    • 3DEP is a community effort based on multi-agency partnership funding for data acquisition. Applicants must commit to funding a portion of the project (cost share) to be considered for a DCA project selection. Project cost share is one factor used to project submissions. 
  • Cost Share Guidelines 
    • Applicable statutes dictate that the USGS may not pay more than one-half the cost of topographic mapping (which includes lidar and derived elevation products, including hydrography mapping) carried on in cooperation with States and municipalities (43 USC 50). This law limits the USGS contribution to the project but does not limit the total contribution by the Federal government. Multiple Federal agencies may contribute to a project and collectively contribute greater than 50%. The 3DEP will review the submitted project funding package to ensure that the USGS contribution does not exceed 50%. Citation of this law should not be construed as an offer from the USGS to fund 50% of a project submission. 
    • There are certain post-employment restrictions on former Federal officers and employees, including special government employees (18 USC 207). If a prospective applicant believes a conflict of interest may exist, the situation should be emailed to, prior to preparing a project submission. 

3DEP Project Evaluation Considerations 

3DEP expects to select multiple projects through the FY24 DCA. Each project submission will be reviewed individually, on its own merits, to confirm that it meets with program goals and represents good value to the government. The evaluation considerations are intended to highlight the importance of fostering engagement and identifying mutual areas of interest and common goals between the Federal, State, and local 3DNTM stakeholder communities. Details are provided below. 

  • Project Location 
    • Consideration will be given for project areas: 
      • With no existing 3DEP baseline data coverage as defined in Map 3DEP-E: FY23 Status of 3DEP Quality Data. 
      • With existing 3DEP baseline data coverage as defined in Map 3DEP-E: FY23 Status of 3DEP Quality Data in areas where significant changes to the landscape have occurred or data are 5 or more years old as defined in Map 3DEP-K: Lidar 5 or More Years Old and is documented in the project submission. 
      • In Alaska, Hawaii, or U.S. territories where no lidar coverage exists or where there is existing lidar but significant changes to the landscape have occurred or data are 8 or more years old as defined in Map 3DEP-K: Lidar 5 or More Years Old and is documented in the project submission. 
  • Areal Extent 
    • Consideration is given to projects greater than 1,500 square miles in recognition of cost savings associated with larger data acquisition projects. 
    • Projects smaller than 1,500 square miles may be considered in the following circumstances: 
      • To fill in gaps in 3DEP baseline coverage. 
      • Where the project AOI defines a complete geophysical or political unit. 
      • For projects that represent significant cost share by the applicant. 
      • Where the total area of a project is reduced due to overlap with another DCA project submission. 
  • Geographic Overlap with Federal Areas of Interest 
  • Project Cost, Cost Realism, and Cost Share (Funds Contributed by Applicant) 
    • The cost of lidar data acquisition varies based on geographic extent of the project, terrain, and vegetative cover. Applicants must include an ESTIMATED cost of their project using any of the following methods: 
      • A preliminary Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) received from the USGS Geospatial Products and Services Contracts (GPSC) Commercial Partnership Team (CPT). Applicants should follow the instructions and submit Form 3DEP-C: Request for Preliminary Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) as soon as possible and no later than by 5:00 PM ET on Friday September 29, 2023 to receive the estimate in time to meet the October 20, 2023 project submission deadline
      • An estimate received from a lidar data acquisition contractor. 
      • An estimate from another source along with an explanation of how the cost estimate was derived. 
      • For estimates not based on a USGS preliminary IGCE, the USGS will complete an independent review during the evaluation period to determine if the estimates reflect valid industry cost for the specific geographic area and reflect a good value to the government. 
    • Consideration is given to applicants that offer larger contributions (cost share) to the total cost of their project. 
    • USGS cost share for eligible projects is subject to availability of funds. 
  • Maturity of Applicant’s Project Submission and Maturity of Designated Funding Sources 
  • Technical Approach 
    • A solid technical approach that will produce 3DEP-compliant data for all stakeholders and the public is essential. 
    • Applicants who intend to manage their own data acquisition contract will be evaluated on their approach to data acquisition and delivery of required data products. All products must meet the minimum 3DEP standards and specifications as defined in 3DEP Important Information
  • Past Performance 
    • Past performance is evaluated based on the applicant’s history of financial management of projects of similar financial scope, where available. 
    • For applicants who submit to manage their own data acquisition contract, past performance may also apply to the project’s data acquisition contractor. 

3DEP Application Instructions 

  • To ensure data quality and efficient production of standard products and services, the USGS National Geospatial Program’s preferred method of data acquisition is through the USGS Geospatial Products and Services Contracts (GPSC). The GPSC is a multiple award acquisition vehicle that is designed to utilize the teams of firms on the contract for services needed to accomplish 3DEP and 3DHP data acquisition. The GPSC is also offered as a service for acquiring geospatial data for external organizations who are not seeking additional funding. More information about GPSC can be found at  
  • To submit a 3DEP project for consideration, email the required documents and forms to The email subject line should include the following: State, Last name of primary applicant, FY24DCA – 3DEP (e.g., VASmithFY24DCA – 3DEP). It is very important that the email indicates which 3DNTM program is being applied for (i.e., 3DEP or 3DHP). 
  • Required forms and files to submit: 
    • Form 3DEP-A: 3DEP DCA Project Summary Form 
    • Form 3DEP-C: Request for Preliminary Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) (if needed) 
    • Form 3DEP-D: Applicant Validation of Funding Partners. A separate form for each funding partner should be included. 
    • A vector GIS file defining the location and coverage area of the project formatted as described in Form 3DEP-B: Instructions for Creating 3DEP Defined Project Area and Tile Delivery Scheme. 
    • All required forms are available for download here 
  • Project submissions will be considered incomplete if they are not submitted using the 3DEP DCA Project Summary Form (Form 3DEP-A) or if they do not include the following information: 
  • Requests for additional products and services should be documented in Form 3DEP-A: 3DEP DCA Project Summary Form and Form 3DEP-C: Request for Preliminary Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) to ensure inclusion in the preliminary IGCE and recognition of the full project costs. The cost of additional products and services will be incorporated into partner funding agreement(s). 
  • The 3DEP DCA Project Summary Form (Form 3DEP-A) is designed for a single geographic area so distinct project areas should be submitted separately. 
  • Project Submission Dates and Times 
    • Project submission emails to must be received email by 5:00 PM ET on Friday October 20, 2023. 
    • Project submissions received after the deadline will be considered for review after initial project selections are made. 
    • Project submissions will be considered for review until no remaining FY24 funds are available for obligation. 
  • Withdrawal of a Project Submission 
    • Project submissions may be withdrawn by emailing a request to Withdrawals are effective upon receipt of the request by the 3DEP Data Acquisition Lead. 
  • Notice of Project Acceptance 
    • Notification of project acceptance will be emailed to applicants beginning around January/February 2024. Notifications may be sent earlier or may be delayed pending the FY24 Federal budget. 
    • Staggered notification of project selections is likely as selections are dependent upon the availability of Federal funds. 
    • GPSC applicants whose projects are accepted for funding will be contacted by a Program and/or GPSC representative to continue project development, determine the final funding amount from both the applicant and USGS, and the period of performance for the GPSC task order. 
    • Eligible cooperative agreement applicants will be contacted by a USGS Grants Specialist and given instructions for next steps. 
  • FAQ are available on the DCA Portal. Please email additional questions about the DCA or project submission process to Questions received may be added to the FAQ after removing identifying information. 
  • Past awardees can be found on the BAA Portal.

3DEP Application Materials


FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-E - 3DEP Status

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-E - 3DEP Status

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-F - FY24-FY26 Federal Areas of Interest

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-F - FY24-FY26 Federal Areas of Interest

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-G - FY24 Consolidated Federal High Priority Areas of Interest

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-G - FY24 Consolidated Federal High Priority Areas of Interest

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - BLM Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - BLM Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - FEMA Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - FEMA Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - FPAC Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - FPAC Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - FWS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - FWS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - NPS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - NPS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - USFS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - USFS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - USGS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-H - USGS Priorities

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-K - 3DEP Lidar 5+ Years Old

FY24 DCA Map 3DEP-K - 3DEP Lidar 5+ Years Old

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