As directed by the President, the Gulf of America enters the USGS official place names database
Almost 1,000 sea turtles returned to the wild after being saved from frigid water in Florida
New study finds deer hunting can help keep chronic wasting disease in check
USGS releases first-ever map of potential for geologic hydrogen in U.S.
USGS releases a comprehensive look at water resources in the United States
New USGS Model Uses Dragonflies to Estimate Freshwater Mercury Risk on U.S. Protected Lands
Cost-benefit study confirms coral reef restoration could be a cost-effective way to save lives and money
Event Notifications
Magnitude 6.5
Magnitude 4.06
Magnitude 4.5
Magnitude 3.8
Magnitude 4.8
Magnitude 5.5
Magnitude 5.85
Magnitude 3.41
Magnitude 4.8
Magnitude 4.8
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USGS science helps communities build resilience to natural hazards, focusing on science-based research, monitoring, and alerting to create a safer tomorrow. The USGS provides critical information to help protect communities from the natural hazards that occur every day. As the preeminent hazard science agency, we monitor everything from earthquakes to volcanoes, from landslides to flooding, and so much more. Our science is used by emergency responders and policymakers to support public safety, security, and economic well-being.
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