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Class Participants - August 21, 2017

USGS Supervisory Challenge Class

USGS Supervisory Challenge Class Photo August 2017
  • Mark Alvarez
  • Glenn Biasi
  • Kaleb Blodgett
  • Rian Bogle
  • Krystal Brown
  • Thomas Burley
  • Julie Dietze
  • Sara Elliott
  • John Faundeen
  • Joycelyn Fisher
  • Aleecia Garcia
  • Mark Gress
  • Bryan Herrera
  • Donn Holmes
  • Michelle Hornberger
  • Travis Hylton
  • Michael Johnson
  • Christopher Lowrey
  • Elizabeth Murphy
  • Felix Schofield
  • Kellie Sierra
  • Erik Storms
  • Jessica Teunis
  • Jeffrey Ziegeweid



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