Calibration teams at the USGS EROS Center use a variety of methods to make sure the data collected by Landsat satellites are an accurate representation of the Earth’s surface.
Quarterly Reports Contain Latest Landsat Calibration/Validation Information
The USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) Center of Excellence (ECCOE) focuses on improving the accuracy, precision, calibration, and product quality of remote-sensing data, leveraging years of multiscale optical system geometric and radiometric calibration and characterization experience.
The ECCOE Landsat Cal/Val Team continually monitors the geometric and radiometric performance of active Landsat missions and makes calibration adjustments, as needed, to maintain Landsat data quality at the highest level.
Starting in 2021, the Cal/Val Team began publishing quarterly reports to provide the latest radiometric and geometric sensor performance for active Landsat missions. Quarterly reports also contain details about specific calibration activities of interest that were performed during the quarter, providing users with a better understanding of Landsat sensors and data.
The reports are published to the USGS Publications Warehouse and are posted on the ECCOE Landsat Calibration/Validation webpage.
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