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Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass washed up in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass washed up in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcass washed up in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses on beach in Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses on beach in Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses on beach in Alaska

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Close up of Short-tailed Shearwater carcass in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Close up of Short-tailed Shearwater carcass in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Close up of Short-tailed Shearwater carcass in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Bristol Bay, Alaska
Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Alaska
Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Alaska
Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcass on beach in Alaska

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Short-tailed Shearwater die-off in the Bering Sea. Emaciated Short-tailed Shearwater carcasses littered the beaches of Bristol Bay during the summer of 2019

Four geologists with packs climbing a slope with low vegetation and rocks above Larsen Bay, Alaska. Fog rolling in.
Geologists climb a slope above Larsen Bay, Alaska
Geologists climb a slope above Larsen Bay, Alaska
Geologists climb a slope above Larsen Bay, Alaska

Geologists climb a slope above Larsen Bay, Nagai Island, Alaska. Geologists studying coastal evidence of past Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone earthquakes and high tsunamis climb a slope above Larsen Bay on Nagai Island in the Shumagin seismic gap, Alaska.

Geologists climb a slope above Larsen Bay, Nagai Island, Alaska. Geologists studying coastal evidence of past Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone earthquakes and high tsunamis climb a slope above Larsen Bay on Nagai Island in the Shumagin seismic gap, Alaska.

Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) captured along the Beaufort Sea
Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) captured along the Beaufort Sea
Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) captured along the Beaufort Sea
Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) captured along the Beaufort Sea

Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Broad whitefish are part of subsistence fisheries in Alaska.

Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Broad whitefish are part of subsistence fisheries in Alaska.

Humpback whitefish (Coregonus pidschian) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska.
Humpback whitefish (Coregonus pidschian) captured along Beaufort Sea
Humpback whitefish (Coregonus pidschian) captured along Beaufort Sea
Humpback whitefish (Coregonus pidschian) captured along Beaufort Sea

Humpback whitefish (Coregonus pidschian) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Humpback whitefish are part of subsistence fisheries in Alaska.

Humpback whitefish (Coregonus pidschian) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Humpback whitefish are part of subsistence fisheries in Alaska.

Least cisco (Coregonus sardinella) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska.
Least cisco (Coregonus sardinella) captured along the Beaufort Sea
Least cisco (Coregonus sardinella) captured along the Beaufort Sea
Least cisco (Coregonus sardinella) captured along the Beaufort Sea

Least cisco (Coregonus sardinella) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Least cisco are part of subsistence fisheries in Alaska.

Least cisco (Coregonus sardinella) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Least cisco are part of subsistence fisheries in Alaska.

Two Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska
Two Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) captured along the Beaufort Sea
Two Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) captured along the Beaufort Sea
Two Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) captured along the Beaufort Sea

Two Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Arctic cod are the primary forage fish and a key prey item for predators in the Pacific Arctic.

Two Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) captured along the Beaufort Sea coastline in Alaska. Arctic cod are the primary forage fish and a key prey item for predators in the Pacific Arctic.

USGS Alaska Science Center scientists Sarah Laske, Vanessa von Biela, and Ashley Stanek departing for field work, Alaska
USGS scientists departing for a day of field work
USGS scientists departing for a day of field work
USGS scientists departing for a day of field work

USGS Alaska Science Center scientists Sarah Laske, Vanessa von Biela, and Ashley Stanek near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska departing for a day of field work in the nearshore Beaufort Sea, to study fish community response to environmental conditions including sea ice, water temperature and salinity.

USGS Alaska Science Center scientists Sarah Laske, Vanessa von Biela, and Ashley Stanek near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska departing for a day of field work in the nearshore Beaufort Sea, to study fish community response to environmental conditions including sea ice, water temperature and salinity.

ANSEP student Tatiana Korthuis recording data
ANSEP student Tatiana Korthuis recording data on USGS research vessel
ANSEP student Tatiana Korthuis recording data on USGS research vessel
ANSEP student Tatiana Korthuis recording data on USGS research vessel

Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) student Tatiana Korthuis recording fish catch data on board the USGS research vessel Alaskan Gyre in Herring Bay, Alaska. This was part of a USGS study to monitor forage fish and seabirds in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) student Tatiana Korthuis recording fish catch data on board the USGS research vessel Alaskan Gyre in Herring Bay, Alaska. This was part of a USGS study to monitor forage fish and seabirds in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

Female McKay's Bunting with berry stained feathers on St. Matthew Island, Alaska
Female McKay's Bunting with berry stained feathers
Female McKay's Bunting with berry stained feathers
Female McKay's Bunting with berry stained feathers

Female McKay's Bunting with berry stained feathers on St. Matthew Island, Alaska.

Female McKay's Bunting with berry stained feathers on St. Matthew Island, Alaska.

Red fox kits on St. Matthew Island, Alaska
Red fox kits on St. Matthew Island, Alaska
Red fox kits on St. Matthew Island, Alaska
Red fox kits on St. Matthew Island, Alaska

Red fox kits on St. Matthew Island, Alaska

USGS scientists Vanessa von Biela and Sarah Laske standing on shore near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
USGS scientists Vanessa von Biela and Sarah Laske on shore near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
USGS scientists Vanessa von Biela and Sarah Laske on shore near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
USGS scientists Vanessa von Biela and Sarah Laske on shore near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska

USGS Alaska Science Center scientists Vanessa von Biela and Sarah Laske near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska departing for a day of field work in the nearshore Beaufort Sea to study fish community response to environmental conditions including sea ice, water temperature and salinity.

USGS Alaska Science Center scientists Vanessa von Biela and Sarah Laske near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska departing for a day of field work in the nearshore Beaufort Sea to study fish community response to environmental conditions including sea ice, water temperature and salinity.

Canada goose (Branta canadensis), Anchorage, AK
Canada goose (Branta canadensis), Anchorage, AK
Canada goose (Branta canadensis), Anchorage, AK
Canada goose (Branta canadensis), Anchorage, AK

Canada goose (Branta canadensis), Anchorage, AK

Common Murre on the water in Kachemak Bay, Alaska
A Common Murre on the water near its colony in Kachemak Bay, Alaska
A Common Murre on the water near its colony in Kachemak Bay, Alaska
A Common Murre on the water near its colony in Kachemak Bay, Alaska

Northern Fulmars, Black-legged Kittiwakes, and Common Murres have all been tested for and contained harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxins in Alaska. Since 2015, the USGS has worked with a variety of stakeholders to develop testing methods and research projects to better understand the geographic extent, timing and impacts of algal toxins in Alaska marine ecosystems.

Northern Fulmars, Black-legged Kittiwakes, and Common Murres have all been tested for and contained harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxins in Alaska. Since 2015, the USGS has worked with a variety of stakeholders to develop testing methods and research projects to better understand the geographic extent, timing and impacts of algal toxins in Alaska marine ecosystems.

A Black-legged Kittiwake with two chicks at Gull Island, Alaska
A Black-legged Kittiwake with two chicks at Gull Island, Alaska
A Black-legged Kittiwake with two chicks at Gull Island, Alaska
A Black-legged Kittiwake with two chicks at Gull Island, Alaska

A Black-legged Kittiwake with two chicks at Gull Island, Alaska.

Scientist with a plankton sample to test for harmful algal bloom toxins in Cook Inlet
Scientist with plankton sample to test for harmful algal bloom toxins
Scientist with plankton sample to test for harmful algal bloom toxins
Scientist with plankton sample to test for harmful algal bloom toxins

USGS Scientist Sarah Schoen with a plankton sample to test for harmful algal bloom toxins in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

USGS Scientist Sarah Schoen with a plankton sample to test for harmful algal bloom toxins in Cook Inlet, Alaska.