Sampling the Imelyak River in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Permafrost thaw is leading to a myriad of changes in physical and chemical conditions throughout the Arctic.
Return to Ecosystems or Water >> Fish and Aquatic Ecology
Permafrost thaw and the subsequent changes to geomorpholgy, hydrology, and vegetation can alter groundwater flow and inflows to streams, affecting river hydrographs, water temperature, and the availability of carbon and nutrients. Changes in stream hydrology and chemistry subsequently have the potential to affect fish habitat and metabolism directly. By changing primary productivity in stream ecosystems, these changes can also alter food resources available to fish. While these physical changes have already been observed in interior Alaska there is little understanding of the effects on ecosystems and Alaska’s fish that are important commercial, sport, and subsistence resources, and also important to wildlife. This 5 year study will assess the potential effects of permafrost thaw on streams and their fish by 1) using space for time approaches to consider the effects of permafrost loss (through thermokarsting and decreased permafrost extent) on stream hydrology and chemistry, ecosystem functions, fish performance, and fish community structure; 2) using physical models to determine the rates of change and explore potential effects on stream discharge, temperature, hyporheic zones, flow duration, perennial stream lengths, and inflows; and 3) using a temperature-based combined physical and fish metabolism model to quantify the effects for Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus). These will provide major advances in our understanding of hydrology and fish at the boreal-arctic transition, as well as a direct link (through stream temperature) to couple climate change and fish metabolism. This glimpse into Alaska’s future has broad implications for understanding the rates and mechanisms of landscape change, with implications for these two fish species as well as the broader fish community. This research program will inform management decisions on development activities and enable predictions on the effects of climate change for wildlife outcomes.
This project is in conjunction with the Hydro-ecology of Arctic Thawing: Hydrology
Funding: USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystem Initiative

Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Fish and Aquatic Ecology
Assessing heat stress in migrating Yukon River Chinook Salmon
Nearshore Fish Surveys in the Beaufort Sea
Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT): Hydrology
Condition of Forage Fish in Prince William Sound During the Marine Heatwave
Winter Habitat of Juvenile Dolly Varden in the Canning River
Arctic Lake Food Webs
Ecosystem Shifts in Arctic Seas
Lake Trout Biochronologies as Long-term Climate and Productivity Indicators in Alaska Lake Ecosystems
Effect of Elodea spp. on Fish Performance Mediated Through Food Web Interactions
Sockeye Salmon Migrating at the Northern Edge of Their Distribution
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Sampling the Imelyak River in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Small arctic grayling hugging the bottom in the Imelyak River in the Brooks Range. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Small arctic grayling hugging the bottom in the Imelyak River in the Brooks Range. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Hiking up a stream from the Akilik River drainage to set minnow traps for fish sampling. This is a stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park.
Hiking up a stream from the Akilik River drainage to set minnow traps for fish sampling. This is a stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park.
Sampling a stream from the Akilik River drainage in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Sampling a stream from the Akilik River drainage in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Underwater photo of a large school of Dolly Varden char and Arctic grayling in the Agashashok River. These fish were part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Underwater photo of a large school of Dolly Varden char and Arctic grayling in the Agashashok River. These fish were part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Chris Zimmerman sampling a stream in the drainage of the Agashashok River which is in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Chris Zimmerman sampling a stream in the drainage of the Agashashok River which is in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is part of the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is part of the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Dolly Varden in a minnow trap in the Agashashok River drainage. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Dolly Varden in a minnow trap in the Agashashok River drainage. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Permafrost thaw is leading to a myriad of changes in physical and chemical conditions throughout the Arctic.
Return to Ecosystems or Water >> Fish and Aquatic Ecology
Permafrost thaw and the subsequent changes to geomorpholgy, hydrology, and vegetation can alter groundwater flow and inflows to streams, affecting river hydrographs, water temperature, and the availability of carbon and nutrients. Changes in stream hydrology and chemistry subsequently have the potential to affect fish habitat and metabolism directly. By changing primary productivity in stream ecosystems, these changes can also alter food resources available to fish. While these physical changes have already been observed in interior Alaska there is little understanding of the effects on ecosystems and Alaska’s fish that are important commercial, sport, and subsistence resources, and also important to wildlife. This 5 year study will assess the potential effects of permafrost thaw on streams and their fish by 1) using space for time approaches to consider the effects of permafrost loss (through thermokarsting and decreased permafrost extent) on stream hydrology and chemistry, ecosystem functions, fish performance, and fish community structure; 2) using physical models to determine the rates of change and explore potential effects on stream discharge, temperature, hyporheic zones, flow duration, perennial stream lengths, and inflows; and 3) using a temperature-based combined physical and fish metabolism model to quantify the effects for Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus). These will provide major advances in our understanding of hydrology and fish at the boreal-arctic transition, as well as a direct link (through stream temperature) to couple climate change and fish metabolism. This glimpse into Alaska’s future has broad implications for understanding the rates and mechanisms of landscape change, with implications for these two fish species as well as the broader fish community. This research program will inform management decisions on development activities and enable predictions on the effects of climate change for wildlife outcomes.
This project is in conjunction with the Hydro-ecology of Arctic Thawing: Hydrology
Funding: USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystem Initiative

Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Fish and Aquatic Ecology
Assessing heat stress in migrating Yukon River Chinook Salmon
Nearshore Fish Surveys in the Beaufort Sea
Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT): Hydrology
Condition of Forage Fish in Prince William Sound During the Marine Heatwave
Winter Habitat of Juvenile Dolly Varden in the Canning River
Arctic Lake Food Webs
Ecosystem Shifts in Arctic Seas
Lake Trout Biochronologies as Long-term Climate and Productivity Indicators in Alaska Lake Ecosystems
Effect of Elodea spp. on Fish Performance Mediated Through Food Web Interactions
Sockeye Salmon Migrating at the Northern Edge of Their Distribution
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Sampling the Imelyak River in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Sampling the Imelyak River in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Small arctic grayling hugging the bottom in the Imelyak River in the Brooks Range. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Small arctic grayling hugging the bottom in the Imelyak River in the Brooks Range. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Hiking up a stream from the Akilik River drainage to set minnow traps for fish sampling. This is a stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park.
Hiking up a stream from the Akilik River drainage to set minnow traps for fish sampling. This is a stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park.
Sampling a stream from the Akilik River drainage in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Sampling a stream from the Akilik River drainage in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Underwater photo of a large school of Dolly Varden char and Arctic grayling in the Agashashok River. These fish were part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Underwater photo of a large school of Dolly Varden char and Arctic grayling in the Agashashok River. These fish were part of the Hydro-Ecology of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Chris Zimmerman sampling a stream in the drainage of the Agashashok River which is in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Chris Zimmerman sampling a stream in the drainage of the Agashashok River which is in the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range in Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is part of the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is part of the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

Dolly Varden in a minnow trap in the Agashashok River drainage. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
Dolly Varden in a minnow trap in the Agashashok River drainage. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.

A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.
A stream type at the Boreal-Arctic transition of the Brooks Range, Noatak National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park. The stream is in the Agashashok River watershed. This is part of the Hydro-Ecoloy of Arctic Thawing (HEAT) project.