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Geologic map of the Pompeii Quadrangle (MTM 20057), Maja Valles region of Mars

The Pompeii quadrangle is in northern Maja Valles region between Lunae Palum to the west and Xanthe Terra to the east. Approximately two-thirds of the surface is a relatively smooth plain, and the other one-third is subdued, cratered, upland plateau. The crater Pompeii is the largest fresh crater in the quadrangle. The major interest in the map area is evidence of the relatively brief, catastrophi

(LAC-58) Geologic map of the Copernicus quadrangle of the moon

The surface of the Moon is heterogeneous both on a regional and a fine scale. The geologic mapping of this surface is similar in principle to the geologic mapping of the Earth's surface and depends on the discrimination of similarities and differences between materials and features at different points on the surface. Differences from area to area in characteristic topographic forms and in such phy

Geologic map of the Amazonis Quadrangle of Mars

The Amazonis quadrangle lies within the northern sparsely cratered hemisphere of Mars (Carr and others, 1973). The dominant structural and physiographic features of the quadrangle are low featureless plains (Amazonis Planitia) in the center third of the quadrangle, the western flanks of the large volcanic construct, Olympus Mons, and its associated aureole deposits (Lycus Sulci), which lies on the

(LAC-25) Geologic map of the Cassini quadrangle of the Moon

The Cassini quadrangle is in the north-central part of the nearside lunar disk and includes most of the northeast quadrant of Mare Imbrium. Lunar geologic units in the area have been distinguished according to topographic expression, albedo, and infrared stratigraphic relations, and the distribution of each unit is portrayed on the accompanying map. the nature and disposition of geologic units in

Geologic map of the Eridania Quadrangle of Mars

The Eridania quadrangle is located within the densely cratered terrain of the southern hemisphere of Mars, east of the large circular Hellas Basin. The area contains three distinct physiographic provinces that divide the quadrangle into latitudinal belts. The northern part of the quadrangle is dominated by cratered upland plateau, the central part by plains, the southern part by a mottled surfac

Geologic map of the Memnonia Quadrangle of Mars

The Memnonia quadrangle lies astride the boundary between heavily cratered and sparsely cratered hemispheres of Mars (Carr and others, 1973). Densely cratered terrain occurs in the southwestern part of the quadrangle. Strips of plains material bound the cratered terrain in both the northern and eastern parts of the quadrangle. There is approximately 3 km of relief across the quadrangle, with th

Geologic map of the western Ophir Planum region (MTM -10067) of Mars

The map area, in the Coprates 1:2,000,000-scale quadrangle MC-18 NW lies in the heart of the Valles Marineris trough system. The western part of Ophir Planum (36,660 km2) occupies 40 percent of the map areas; parts of Candor, Melas, and Coprates Chasmata make up the remainder. The troughs contain distinctive landslide deposits, normal faults, possible young volcanic rocks, and layered materials.

Geologic map of the Kuiper Quadrangle of Mercury

Basic information about the planetary surface of the Kuiper quadrangle is provided by three sequences of high-quality photographs designated Mercury I, II, and II, obtained during the incoming phases of three encounters of the Mariner 10 spacecraft with Mercury. Mercury I includes 75 whole-frame photographs of the Kuiper quadrangle; Mercury II, 13 whole-frame photographs; and Mercury III, 70 quart

Geologic maps of science study area 3, Olympus Rupes, Mars

Olympus Mons is the largest known volcanic construct in the Solar System; it is more than 600 km across and more than 27 km above datum. The volcano and the great scarp that bounds it have been the subject of much scientific controversy. Although it has been possible to generate an empirical model that closely resembles Olympus Mons, the dynamics of scarp formation are still unproven. The scarp ar

Map showing lava flows in the northeast part of the Memnonia Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geologic map of the Thaumasia Quadrangle of Mars

The Thaumasia quadrangle lies on the south flank of the Tharsis dome (Hord and others, 1974), a large bulge in the crust of Mars extending more than 5,000 km northward from the center of the quadrangle. This major structure imposes a generally southward slope across the entire quadrangle. Topography along the east-central border of the Thaumasia quadrangle exhibits curved scarps and lowlands con

Geologic map of the Fracastorius Quadrangle of the Moon

The multi-ringed Nectaris basin (Hartmann and Kuiper, 1962) dominates the Fracastorius quadrangle. The basin is 840 km across as measured from the outermost ring and lies athwart four quadrangles. Fracastorius, the southeastern quadrangle, straddles the three rings of the basin (fig. 1). In this quadrangle most pre-Imbrian structures and many depositions were formed by the Nectaris impact. Further
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