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Geologic map of the Valles Marineris region, Mars

The Valles Marineris region lies east of Tharsis Montes (which extend from lat 12 degrees to 16 degrees., long 101 degrees to 125 degrees). Part of the region is in the midst of a vast plateau bounded on the west and east by Claritas and Nectaris Fossae, respectively; the remainder extends farther east into southern Xanthe Terr and western Margaritifer Terra. Channel trends, stereophotogrammetry,

(LAC-78) Geologic map of the Theophilus quadrangle of the moon

The surface of the moon is heterogeneous. The differences from area to area of characteristic topographic forms and of physical properties such as albedo (reflectivity under full-Moon illumination) indicate that the materials underlying the surface vary from one area to another and that different processes have operated in the development of the surface. In lunar geologic mapping, areas are deline

(LAC-75) Geologic map and sections of the Letronne region of the moon

Material exposed on the surface of the moon is heterogeneous. The albedo and other physical characteristics that have been determined with the use of optical and radio telescopes vary from one part of the moon to another, and the variations are patially correlated with differences in topography . Discontinuities in the areal variation permit the surfaces material to be divided into map units, each

Geologic map of science study area 1B, west Mangala Valles region of Mars

This map is one in a series of 1:500,000-scale geologic maps initiated by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration to investigate areas of particular scientific interest on Mars. The west Mangala Valles area merits detailed geologic study because it contains several small channels whose ages can be determined relative to geologic units that range in age from early (Noachian) to late (Amazo

Geologic map of the Coprates Quadrangle of Mars

The Coprates quadrangle lies to the east of the Tharsis volcanic complex and the Noctis Labyrinthus tectonic complex. To the north are the plains of Lunae Planum, to the east the vast patches of chaotic terrain and the large sinuous channels that trend northward into Chryse Planitia. On the southwest is the Thaumasia Fossae region of tectonically deformed cratered terrain, to the southeast, the A

Geologic map of the Mare Undarum Quadrangle of the Moon

The map area contains two mare provinces, one terra province, and one province of mixed mare and terra. The maria are the semicircular southern half of Mare Crisium and the northeast sector of Mare Fecunditatis. The massive belt of terra that arcs across the quadrangle between these maria is the south rim of the Crisium multiringed basin; its southwest part is probably superposed on an older, orig

Geologic Map of the Lavinia Planitia Quadrangle (V-55), Venus

The Lavinia Planitia quadrangle (V-55) is in the southern hemisphere of Venus and extends from 25 degrees to 50 degrees south latitude and from 330 degrees to 360 degrees longitude. It covers the central and northern part of Lavinia Planitia and parts of its margins. Lavinia Planitia consists of a centralized, deformed lowland flooded by volcanic deposits and surrounded by Dione Regio to the west

Geologic map of the Borealis region Mercury

Most of the photographs used for geologic mapping were acquired by the departing spacecraft during the first pass (Mercury I). The Mercury II encounter provided no usable images of the map area; two low-oblique photographs suitable for geologic mapping were acquired during the third flyby on March 17, 1975 (Davies and others, 1978, p. 31). No stereoscopic phtographic pairs are available for the Bo

Geologic map of the Rima Hyginus region of the Moon

The Rima Hyginus region lies within the Mare Vaporum quadrangle (LAC 59), 7 degrees from the center of the lunar earthside hemisphere, near several large impact basins. The Rima Hyginus region occupies a broad structural trough concentric with the Imbrium basin, which has especially controlled the geology of the area, Plains-forming materials cover most of the region, except for a belt of hilly te

Geologic map of the Geminus Quadrangle of the Moon

The Geminus quadrangle, centrally located in the northeast quadrant of the lunar near side, is dominated geologically by several multiringed circular basins outside the quadrangle and five relatively young, large craters mapped here. The terra and the older craters apparently are mantled by a nearly continuous blanket of ejecta from the Serenitatis, Crisium, Humboldtianum, and Imbrium basins, whic

Geologic map of the Plato Quadrangle of the Moon

The Plato quadrangle in the north-central part of the Moon lies within a series of concentric depressed and raised rings surrounding the Imbrium basin, the center of which lies about 335 km southwest of Montes Teneriffe. The innermost raised ring is marked by isolated ridges and peaks within Mare Imbrium itself, including in the Plato quadrangle Montes Recti and Teneriffe. The band of terra includ

Geologic map of the Elysium region of Mars

The region centered at Elysium Mons contains that second largest volcanic complex on Mars, surpassed in size by only the Tharsis complex. The Elysium region also has been a center of tectonic, fluvial, and mass-wasting activity. After degradation of ancient cratered terrain within the northern lowlands, volcanic rocks erupted from Elysium Mons, Hectas Tholus, and Albor Tholus in Elysium Planitia.
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